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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress
=== 13-Moon Synchronometer === 
Contributors: tonyray, uching
Author URI:
Donate link:
Tags: 13-moon, natural-time, dreamspell, calendar, tzolkin, maya, galactic, law-of-time, planet-art-network, space-station-plaza, jose-arguellas, natural-time
Requires at least: WP 3.2
Tested up to: WP 4.1.1
Stable tag: 2.1.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==
Natural Time harmonic measurement and synchronizing tools include a decoder, 13 month grid, kin, wavespell, oracle, shows posts and affirmations in English, Spanish and Dutch.   Works harmoniously with other Dreamspell plugins, changing each day and when date is decoded. Use the widgets in your sidebars or shortcodes: [show-calendar] [show-kin] [show-oracle] [show-wavespell]

= Contributors Include =

* [__Lawoftime.org__](
* [__Planet Art Network (PAN)__](
* [__Space Station Plaza (SSP)__](
* [__Foundation for the Law of Time Netherlands__]( Dutch version: Juryt Abma Kin-243 Blue Solar Night
* [__Anthony Fogleman WP Blog__]( Anthony Fogleman - Anka Kin 139 Blue Solar Storm
* [__Uptime Hosting WP Site__]( Anthony's Hosting and Programming Service
* [ WP/BP/WPML__]( A site designed for learning and using the uChing Code

== Translation credits ==
* Juryt Abma 243 - Dutch
* Araygua Simran pal Kaur 224 - Spanish
* Anka TonyRay 139 - English

== About the Series ==
* There are three plugins that synchronize with each day and decoding.  This plugin is the third of a series developed to expand the use of Natural Time.
* If you like this plugin, you might also like the [__uChing Decoder__]( and the [__Cosmic History Quotes__](  Each one synchronizes with the other.
* We're actively seeking translators to work on Russian, Chinese, and all other languages.  Our versions now include: English, Dutch and Spanish.

= Help Keep Our Plugins Free =
If you find this plugin useful, please [__make a donation__]( to help contribute to further development of this and other interesting plugins for development of Natural Time and connections in peaceful ways.  Thanks! - [__Anthony Fogleman__](

Blessing to you and all our relations with... Aho mitakeoasin, in lak'ech, ahau!

== Installation ==

= Automatic Method =
1. You're reading this, so click the 'install now' link above
1. Activate the plugin `(in Plugins menu)` 

= Manual Method =
1. Download the zip file from wordpress 
1. At `Plugins->new->upload` upload zip file.  It makes `13-moon-synchronometer` dir 
1. Activate plugin `13-moon-synchronometer` (in Plugins menu) 

= Once installed, how to make it work: =
1. Got to Widgets, and put a 13-Moon Calendar widget into a sidebar 
1. Optional: insert shortcodes: `[show-calendar]` into a post or page 
1. Settings are at `Dashboard -> Settings -> 13-Moon Settings` 

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
* What is the meaning of life?
* What makes you happy?  Is this not the same question?

== Screenshots ==
1. Sidebar view 
2. Day detail for launch day Nov 13 2013 Kin 14 WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD
3. Use the handy 13-Moon Calendar Widget
4. Navigate to settings
5. Options panel

== Changelog ==

= 2.1.1 - NS1.27.9.2 - 08.3.2015 =
* Added: Logic to decode date of post type: event
* Improved CSS to appear better in sidebar

= 2.1.0 - NS1.27.8.21 - 27.2.2015 =
* Fixed: Oracle and Wavespell huge in Firefox

= 2.0.9 - NS1.27.8.17 - 23.2.2015 =
* Added widgets: Kin, Oracle, and Wavespell
* Repaired numerous HTML errors

= 2.0.4 - NS1.27.7.28 - 6.2.2015 =
* Sycronizes now with the date of your post automatically
* Other interesting changes

= 1.5.3 - NS1.26.6.24 - 5.1.2014 =
* Updates to CSS and construct files to improve compatibility with various themes

= 1.5.2 - NS1.26.5.16 - 27.11.2013 =
* Updates to language files

= 1.5.1 - NS1.26.5.16 - 27.11.2013 =
* Full translations to Dutch and Spanish
* Added more date features expanding value
* Style improvements to look better in your theme

= 1.5.0 - 27.11.2013 =
* More work to reduce PHP warnings
* Reworked the date logic to work with other plugins
* A few style improvements

= 1.4.2 - 20.11.2013 =
* Fixed style sheet to look good in iPhone and sidebars 160 pixels wide or wider.
* Arranged credits to take less space

= 1.4.1 - 14.11.2013 =
* Cleanup: Silio Day 28 Self-Existing Moon 4 Kin 15 BLUE LUNAR EAGLE
* Bugfix: Fixed a bad link in widget view
* Changed: Edits to description text

= 1.4.0 - 14.11.2013 =
* Made improvements and fixed bugs - Silio Day 28 Self-Existing Moon 4 Kin 15 BLUE LUNAR EAGLE
* NEW : Added plenty of common-sense options
* Bugfix : Slowed down the program's tendency to go inter-galactic transcending the space-time continuum
* Additions: Screenshots of 13-Moon Synchronometer public and admin views

= 1.3.9 - 13.11.2013 =
* First Release of 13-Moon Synchronometer - Limi Day 27 Self-Existing Moon 4 Kin 14 WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.1.1 =
* Upgrade to fix problems with sidebar view images resizing problems and to sense post type: event

= 2.1.0 =
* Important upgrade to fix problems encountered only in Firefox

= 2.0.9 =
* Added so much, don't miss this upgrade!

= 1.5.3 =
* Updates to CSS and construct files to improve compatibility with various themes

= 1.5.1 =
Major improvements in layout, function and translation

= 1.5.0 =
Reworked the date logic to work with other plugins

= 1.4.2 =
Fixed style to make it look really good in iPhones and sidebars as small as 160 pixels.

= 1.4.0 =
Made lots of improvements on the synchronometer's first day online