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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: allprowebtools, pmschartz, rcgig, ceec
Tags: allprowebtools, e-commerce, tickets, cart, gift certificate, authorize, inventory, ecommerce, shipping, variations, iphone, tools
Requires at least: 3.4
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 1.0.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

A cloud-based shopping cart integrated with email marketing that can be shared across multiple devices and/or WordPress installs.

== Description ==

Combined ecommerce and email marketing for revenue generating campaigns.

[See the online demo here](

AllProWebTools is an all-in-one commerce solution for both online and brick and mortar small businesses. It combines all inventory, customers, leads, and orders between your online shopping cart, in store POS, and mobile devices. One login and one solution to manage content, lead generation and tracking to online shopping cart or POS to shipping to order tracking to customer re-engagement and re-marketing.

Productivity tools - AllProWebTools also includes productivity tools to keep your business running efficiently. From task management to timecards to sales commission reports.

Products - Sell physical products and calculate shipping; downloadable products such as MP3s, ringtones, and ebooks; Tickets to events with QR Code validation; Memberships to members only content; Autoship product purchase plans; Gift Certificates; Hourly labor with time tracking and project codes.

Take a test spin of our WordPress plugin BETA.  We would love to hear your feedback!

= Support =

We want you to enjoy your experience with us, that is why we offer the following support options:

* Call Anytime: 970-612-1515
* [AllProWebTools Tutorial videos]( are available to assist you.
* Free live chat support (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm MST)
* Request a screen-share for a personal walk through the system to help you get started.

= Features =

* Can sell items worldwide - but only works for United States based businesses and US Dollars
* iPhone integration with the [AllProWebTools iPhone app](
* Shopping Cart
* Email marketing
* Autoresponder
* Extensive Visitor Tracking - How many sales dollars were generated from a specific email ad or newsletter.
* Integrated Email Marketing - Automatically offer a coupon to abandoned carts.
* Phone Orders - Track sales from phone calls and how they originated online.
* Coupons & Discounts
* Integrated Shipping Labels - Print shipping right from your control panel and leave the package at the door to be picked up.
* Customized PDF Invoices
* Product Upsell
* Data Exports
* Authorize.Net and PayPal Integration
* Help videos are included on each page of the control panel
* Shipping methods - USPS, FedEx, UPS
* Unlimited staff logins
* Unlimited variations, categories, and attributes
* Star rating product review
* Limit products to US customers only
* Limit products to preset zip codes for pickup and delivery shipping options

= Products =
* Unlimited products
* Physical products
* Downloadable Products
* Ticket products allow you to sell event tickets with a scannable QR code to verify authenticity.
* Gift Certificate products allows customers to redeem online with a serial number or in your brick in mortar store via QR Code.
* Hourly rate products
* Account credit products - allow clients to pre-pay for services and use credits later
* Membership products
* Repeat order products
* Bundled products (or kits)

= Serviceware =
This is a Serviceware plugin for WordPress which interfaces with the AllProWebTools cloud servers to process transactions, store inventory information, customer data, and sales and visitor analytics.  Storing this information in the cloud allows all of your devices and websites to access this information and increase exposure of your products and services.  An active AllProWebTools account is required to use this plugin. A link will be provided to create a new account from within the plugin settings menu.

== Installation ==


**Automatic Installation**

1. Login to your wordpress with wp-admin
1. Choose **Plugins** from the menu and click **Add New**
1. Search for **AllProWebTools** and then click **Install Now**
1. Once the plugin is installed, click **Activate Now**
1. Next see **Configuration** below.

**Manual Installation**

1. Unzip `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

**Demo Mode**

When you first install the plugin, it will be configured for Demo Mode.  Demo Mode comes pre-loaded with a number of products, customers, coupons, etc. for you to play around with.

When you are ready to get started with your own account, simply follow the configuration instructions below:


1. Upon activation, all of the necessary pages will be created to run the cart.
1. Choose **settings** from the **AllProWebTools** menu in wp-admin and click the link that says **sign up for one here** to create an AllProWebTools account.
1. Enter the API keys you recieve via email after creating your account and click **Update Settings**.
1. Click the **AllProWebTools** link in the menu of wp-admin and click the button that says "login now" to access your AllProWebTools console and begin configuring your products.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why do I see all these flowers when I first install? =

New installs are setup with our demo account so you can see the functionality.  This also demonstrates how to tie multiple sites together, the demo site your new install is tied to is  You can login to the demo account to play around in the control panel at Login: demo Password: demo.  The demo resets itself every hour on the hour at which time your changes will be lost.

= Which themes are compatible with this plugin? =

We are still in the process of testing themes, a list will be made available.

= Where is all of my product information stored? =

All product information including inventory counts is stored on your cloud account with AllProWebTools.  This is what allows all smart phones, point of sale devices, and linked websites to share inventory information.  The benefit is that changing the retail price or uploading a new product can be done from your control panel and instantly update all devices.

= Can I upload my inventory as a CSV? =

You can upload or download all of your inventory in CSV format at any time.

== Screenshots ==

1. The shopping cart.
2. Track actual sales dollars & activity that result from email marketing.
3. Product Management Listing.
4. Product Management Product Options.
5. Product Management Quantity Discount.
6. Point of sale
7. Mobile Integration
8. Credit Card Swipe
9. Product Listing.
10. Manual Order Entry / Tracking

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.6 - 06/23/15 =
1. Allow product page to be category specific

= 1.0.4 - 05/14/14 =
1. CSS file updated for better compatibility

= 1.0.3 - 03/28/14 =
1. Addressed issue with lead box widget

= 1.0.2 - 03/24/14 =
1. Fixed css for better theme compatibility

= 1.0.1 - 10/21/13 =
1. Integration with Android app
1. Product shelf life
1. Note trail per invoice (with customer email notification) - customer can respond via login (with admin email notification)
1. Integrate sales tax with Avalara and StrikeIron
1. Auto Generated Email Newsletter
1. PO number for invoices
1. Bill presentment with payment link
1. Improved payment system allows partial payments
1. Improved refund system allows choice of refund payment type
1. Improved reseller system

= 0.48BETA - 10/03/13 =
1. Fixed iptracking and affiliate tracking

= 0.47BETA - 07/04/13 =
1. Fixed leadbox widget
1. Silenced PHP Notice Warnings in debug mode
1. Improved demo system with a better walk through
1. Improved multi-site support

= 0.46BETA - 06/10/13 =
1. Star rating product review
1. Limit products to US only
1. Limit products to preset zip codes only

= 0.45BETA - 05/18/13 =
1. Added functionality for multiple gift certificates and fixed display issues with gift certificate invoices
1. Standardized variable names in relation to ajax functions
1. Fixed version numbering
1. Prettier admin Screenshots
1. Unique variable names added to prevent conflicts
1. Readme descriptions updated
1. Added ticket product

= 0.44BETA - 05/11/13 =
1. addressed several issues with hard references to plugin dir
1. improved some variable names for compatiblity

= 0.43BETA - 05/11/13 =
1. first load to WP repository

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.47BETA =
Important bug fixes for the Leadbox Widget.  Also verified to work with WordPress version 3.5.2