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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Castlegate IT WP Tweak Tool

Another plugin that makes it easy to tweak the WordPress admin interface, including:

  • Hide the admin toolbar
  • Edit the welcome message
  • Force plain text paste in the content editor


Editing options

The options are stored as an associative array, with the following default values:

$options = [
    'force_plain_text_paste' => true,
    'hide_admin_bar' => false,
    'welcome_message' => false,

You can use the cgit_tweak_tool_options filter to edit the options:

add_action('init', function () {
    add_filter('cgit_tweak_tool_options', function ($options) {
        $options['hide_admin_bar'] = true;
        return $options;

Note that the options are set in the init action with priority 20 so this filter must be applied earlier, either using a higher priority in the init action (the default value of 10 should work) or using an earlier action.

Editing the welcome message

If the custom welcome message contains %s, it will include the current user’s display name using sprintf().

Changes since version 3.0

The following features have been removed:

  • Hide menu items in the Dashboard for non-admin users (hide_menus). We now recommend this is done on a per-site and per-theme basis.
  • Show navigation menu settings when appearance settings are hidden for some users (show_nav_menus). This feature is now provided by the Site Manager plugin.
  • Hide update notifications for non-admin users (hide_notifications). This feature is now provided by the Admin Notifications plugin.
  • Hide presentational markup (hide_editor_buttons), some block-level elements (hide_editor_elements), and media controls (hide_media_buttons) controls in TinyMCE. We now recommend this is done on a per-site and per-theme basis.
  • Hide templates and pages (hide_templates). We now recommend this is done with filters on a per-site and per-theme basis.
  • Move Yoast SEO fields to the bottom of the screen (move_yoast_to_bottom). This feature is now provided by the SEO Headings plugin.


Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.