Open Source
=== Developer Tools === Contributors: kjmeath Donate link: Tags: theme, developer, development, tool, tools, enqueue, script, scripts, cufon, sifr, swf, object, dd, belated, png, fix, ie, ie6, html5, shiv, google, analytics, excerpt, length, menu, menus, sidebar, sidebars, custom, taxonomy, taxonomies, post, type, types, feature, featured, image, thumbnail, thumbnails, disable, meta, box, boxes, field, fields, size, quality, core, update, updates, plugin, tinymce, auto, formating, auto-formating, hide, admin, login, dashboard, widgets, widget, krumo, database, backup, db, sql, buddy, sqlbuddy, management, login, log-in, log, in, multisite, remove, admin, tool, bar, modernizr, selectivizr, custom, background, header, theme, options Requires at least: 3.0.0 Tested up to: 3.1.3 Stable tag: 1.1.3 Streamline your WordPress development! Creates admin UI for many of the code-enabled features in WP and includes commonly used JavaScript libraries. == Description == Streamline your WordPress development! The Developer Tools plugin creates an admin user interface for many of the code-enabled features in WordPress and commonly used JavaScript libraries. It also generate template code for theme development. <strong>[Plugin home page]( "Plugin home page")</strong> <strong>[Forum / Support]( "Forum / Suppport")</strong> <strong>Features:</strong> * Load WordPress core JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, Scriptaculous, Prototype, Thickbox and many many more. * Cufon JavaScript utility for font replacement * sIFR Flash + JavaScript utility for font replacement * SWF Object JavaScript utility for embedding flash media on a webpage * DD Belated PNG fix JavaScript utility for IE6 * Modernizr JavaScript utility * :select[ivizr] JavaScript utility * HTML5 shiv JavaScript utility * Google Analytics * Automatically open external links in a new window / tab. * JavaScript required message * Update excerpt length * Create WordPress menus with the Menu Manager * Create sidebars * Create custom taxonomies * Create custom post types * Enable feature image thumbnails * Disable meta boxes on the page and post post-types * Add image thumbnail size * Add Post Formats * Change uploaded images re-sizing quality * Enable background image theme option * Enable custom header theme option * Add addtional custom theme options * Disable WordPress core updates * Disable WordPress plugin updates * Disable TinyMCE auto formatting * Disable TinyMCE visual editor * Hide admin menu items * Hide the admin tool bar * Disable dashboard widgets * Custom login image <strong>[Feature requests]( "Feature requests")</strong> If you're willing to help translate my plugin please contact me. == Installation == 1. Download and unzip the Developer Tools plugin 2. Upload 'developer-tools' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Have a feature request? = [Forum / Support]( "Forum / Suppport") == Screenshots == 1. Developer Tools - Settings == Changelog == = 1.1.3 = * Fixed "Enable custom header theme option" feature when using twentyten theme = 1.1.2 = * Added "Enable background image theme option" feature * Added "Enable custom header theme option" feature * Added "Custom Theme options" feature * Added Modernizr JavaScript utility feature * Added :select[ivizr] JavaScript utility feature * Updated admin user interface * Re-factored field class * Completed select list field class * Fixed advanced fields error when setting an advanced field * Removed server configuration panel * Removed Enabled features panel * Updated database managment tools for all admin user accounts * Fixed deprecated has_cap capabilities error when define('WP_DEBUG', true); is enabled in wp-config.php = 1.1.1 = * Fixed Error log RSS feed url on welcome screen * Added "Disable TinyMCE visual editor" feature * Updated template code for add post type to include "post_status=publish" * Updated "Hide Developer Tools plugin" feature * Updated "Hide Default admin" feature = 1.1.0 = * Hid required field indicator if feature value is set = 1.0.9 = * Fixed remove button not appearing after save * Hid required field indicator after duplicating a feature * Minor style update to distinguish between features better * Added private and hierarchical fields to custom post type feature = 1.0.8 = * Included missing models dir = 1.0.7 = * Fixed Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 bug when saving * Updated saved value checking method * Fixed required field indicators = 1.0.6 = * Fixed Fatal error from making 1.0.5 update = 1.0.5 = * Fixed incorrect version in readme = 1.0.4 = * Fixed JavaScript "click me" alert = 1.0.3 = * Moved Application.php to com/app/MainApplication.php * Removed deprecated call_user_method() function in MainApplication.php to fix bug when loading fieldData models * Updated "advanced fields" button bug * Fixed remove button bug = 1.0.2 = * Updated: SQL Buddy database library to version 1.3.3 * Added Post Format Feature for WP 3.1 release = 1.0.1 = * Bugfix: Remove admin menu bar feature for WP 3.1 release * Updated: Localization = 1.0.0 = Public release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = N/A