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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Digital Publishing Tools for WordPress

Digital Publishing Tools for WordPress is a plugin that allows anyone to create HTML articles for AEM Mobile directly from WordPress.

Contributors: StudioMercury
Tags: digital publishing, publishing, Adobe, AEM Mobile, Adobe Experience Manager Mobile, DPS, Digital Publishing Solution
Requires at least: WordPress 3.5
Tested up to: WordPress 4.5.1
Stable tag: WordPress 4.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

  • Experience with WordPress (Content Management System) and knowledge of Adobe Experience Manager Mobile (AEM Mobile) is required.
  • This plugin also assumes you have access to a web server and have basic HTML/CSS knowledge.


  • WordPress 3.5 +
  • PHP 5.4 or higher
  • MySQL 5.0 or higher
  • Apache or nginx recommended
  • FTP access to the server to install the plugin


  • Adobe Experience Manager Mobile (AEM Mobile) API access


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the folder digital-publishing-tools-for-wordpress to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the Digital Publishing icon on the left navigation menu to get started

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you recommend a hosting provider?
Media Temple’s Managed WordPress Hosting. Media temple is our favorite hosting company because their Managed WordPress Hosting package is easy to set up and manage. They handle backups, provide malware detection and removal and our favorite feature, site staging and cloning.
We’ve also tested the plugin on the following hosting services and plans. We confirm they are compatible.

  • BlueHost (WordPress)
  • Dreamhost (WordPress)
  • Hostgator (WordPress)

Does the plugin support multiple projects?
At this time the plugin only supports one project at a time. Multi-project support is on our roadmap.
Does this plugin work with WordPress MU (multi-user)?
We haven’t tested or explicitly built the plugin to work with WordPress MU. That’s not to say it won’t work, only that our initial release didn’t target a multi-user environment.


  1. Keep track of all of your articles. You can easily create new or import existing articles directly from WordPress.
  1. Easily edit Article metadata.

  2. Preview articles before you export them or upload them into Adobe Experience Manager Mobile (AEM Mobile).

  3. The plugin works with AEM Mobile. Entering API credentials for AEM Mobile will allow you to upload and manipulate articles in Adobe’s platform.



** New Features **

  • Import Presets: You can now customize how post data is imported as an AEM Mobile Article
  • Added the ability to create new device preview sizes for use when editing articles.
  • Added Image Sizes for use in AEM Mobile’s cards/layout view.
  • Sync allows you to pull changes from the original article if you’ve made updates to the original post.
  • System Status shows you all required libraries and if they are installed on your server.

** Enhancements **

  • Article List View now lazy loads to prevent memory errors
  • UI Enhancements
  • New tooltips in the Article List View to expand on what the cloud icons mean

** General **

  • New plugin web site with better documentation and new support options
  • Metadata validation to prevent errors when pushing content to AEM Mobile
  • Changed references to DPS to AEM Mobile



  • If you are using the default template and you haven’t moved the publish-templates folder into the theme folder, you don’t have to do anything.
  • If you’re using the default template and have moved the publish-templates folder into the theme folder, you need to copy the new publish-templates folder into your current theme.
  • If you’ve created your own, please review the information below:
    All relative links will be turned into full URLs: for example: if you create a link /image/1.jpg the packager will turn this into: Relative links are no longer relative to the .article file. This is part of a bigger move to allow any theme / template to be packaged. That will come in a release soon.
    There’s a new way to add files to the .article using the dpsfa_bundle_article filter:
    Automatic: Specify full url to file (array of images)
    Specifying the full url will create the necessary folder structure in the article and download the external file
    Folder structure for external resources: ARTICLE > sanitized hostname > path > file
    Example: array(‘‘) will put that file in the article as: domaincom/wp-content/themes/theme/file.jpg
    Manual: Specify the full paths array( “file path relative in article” => “file path relative to server (or url)” )
    You can have control over where the file is placed in the article and where to pull it from the server
    Example: array(…