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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Easy Google Webmaster Tools ===
Contributors: BestThemeRoad
Author URI:
Author: ThemeRoad
Donate link: 
Tags: webmaster,tools,easy,google webmaster tools,google, javascript, Webmaster dashboard, dashboard, google, google Webmaster, google Webmaster dashboard, google Webmaster widget, multisite, Realtime,wpmu,statistics, widget, GA code, Google Webmaster in WordPress, remarketing analytics,universal Webmaster, WordPress Google Webmaster,display advertising, GA code, GA code integration, GA Plugin, GA Script, google,Google Analytics in WordPress,statistics, universal Webmaster,WP Google Webmaster, WP Google Webmaster, Plugin,clicky, code, google, google analytic,PhpSword, piwik, Realtime, stats, tracking, Web Statistics, yahoo,GA code, GA code integration, GA Plugin,WordPress Google Webmaster, WP Google Webmaster, WP Google Analytics Plugin, display advertising, GA code, google analytics, Google Analytics in WordPress, universal analytics, WordPress Google Webmaster,analytics, display advertising, GA code, GA code integration, GA Plugin, GA Script, google, google analytics, Google Analytics in WordPress, tracking code, universal analytics, WordPress Google Analytics, WP Google Analytics, WP Google Analytics Plugin, google,monitor, plugin, reports, shortcode, widget, wordpress.

Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.2.1
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Easily Add Google Webmaster tools for your websites and tracking all pages your sites perfectly.

== Description ==

### Easy Google Webmaster Tools by

Easy Google Webmaster tools is one of the best simple plugin to add or connect your websites with Google Web master tools.Its really easy for use everyone.Just install the plugin as like other wordpress plugin.And then you will see the Webmaster options in your dashboard.Then click Web master tools options and then you see a textarea.You will just copy the Goggle Webmaster alternative html meta tag  code and paste here.And Then you will get all kind of sites error and other  reports from Google Web master tools options. Because your all pages of your websites now link up or connected with google Web master tools. So, enjoy and don't forget to rated us five star feedback.

Plugin Features !!!!!

* Easy to use.
* Copy the Tracking Code and paste after install the plugin.

* [Our Premium Plugins](
 * [TR WP Custom Login](
 * [TR Advanced Price Plan Pro](
 * [TR WooCommerce Image Zoom PRO](
 * [TR Carousel Slider Pro](
 * [TR Logo Slider Pro](
 * [TR Filterable Portfolio Pro](
 * [TR Nice Accordion Pro](

== Installation ==

Via WordPress -
1. Install as a regular WordPress plugin.
2. From WordPress Dashboard go to "Plugins>> Add New>> Uploads", select 'TR Easy Google' file and upload it. Or
3. Upload faq plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Via FTP -

1. Upload .zip file to your WordPress plugin directory and unzip it.
2. Go your Plugins setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
3. Then Publish some post on by go to'testimonial' and 'Add-new' post type with thumbnail

== Frequently asked questions == 

1. Is it a simple Plugin?
  Ans: Yes.
2. Have any options to contact for solve our problem?
  Ans: Ofcourse,why not. Just mail us or comments  to solve your problem.

== Screenshots ==

1. This is the view of  admin panel page.
2. This is the view of the analytics options plugin.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial release