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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Etsy Treasury Posting Tool ===
Contributors: gregsu, renjithtv
Tags: etsy, treasury
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.3.1
Stable tag: 1.1

Add an Etsy Treasury to your blog post quickly and easily with beautiful and customizable layouts.

== Description ==

Treasuries are a powerful and expressive way to showcase Etsy items. This plugin adds an Etsy Treasury to a blog post with links to the items, the seller’s stores and the Treasury curator. The user can select the image sizes, columns and display layout to best fit their theme and taste.
If you are an Etsy seller, Treasuries are a terrific way to:

*   Show off your items featured in another’s Treasury 
*   Add related content to a blog post
*   Support members of an Etsy team by showing their items
*   Display your taste and style in a personal way
*   Build a mini store of your listings on your blog

== Installation ==

1.Install the plugin using the “Add New” plugin option within WordPress.

2.Activate the plugin through the “Installed Plugins” option within WordPress.

3.That’s it! A small icon will now appear in your visual post editor. Clicking the icon will bring up a popup where you enter the Treasury ID and configure the Treasury layout for that Treasury in your post. Closing the popup will insert the short code for the Treasury in your post. 

You can obtain the Treasury ID from within the Etsy URL for a particular Treasury. It is noted here in bold and also indicated on the FAQ and Screenshots pages. Simply copy/paste it from the URL into the Treasury ID box in the popup. Example ID:**Njk5NTU0OXwyNTEyOTQxNTUz**/orange-pop

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where do I obtain the Treasury ID? =

The Treasury ID is found within the Etsy URL for a particular Treasury. We’ve noted it here in bold and also indicated on the Screenshots page. Simply copy/past it from the URL into the Treasury ID box in the popup. Example ID:**Njk5NTU0OXwyNTEyOTQxNTUz**/orange-pop

= What happens to the Treasury if an item is sold? =

Not to worry. The listing in the Treasury will link to the placeholder page displayed by Etsy for sold listings. Those pages show an image of the item, indicate when it was sold, and suggest similar products.

= Why is my Treasury format different from the screen shots? =

The Treasury listing is straight HTML and does not utilize an iFrame or Flash so it will pick up and display any special settings in your WordPress theme. For example, some themes place gray borders around images.

= The Treasury is too wide for my blog; how do I make it fit? =

Try a combination of changing the number of columns in the displayed Treasury and/or adjusting the image size.

== Screenshots ==

1. Layout with listing details
2. Layout without listing details (details are still available by hovering over items)
3. Tiled layout
4. Layout with very large images
5. Orange insert Treasury icon
6. Treasury configuration popup
7. Treasury ID
8. Short Code in a post

== Changelog ==

= 1.1 = 
* Fully functional with fixed icon image.