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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

The Evangelists Toolbox

This is a WordPress plugin that provides itinerate evangelists with some tools and integrations for their websites.

Plugin Dependancies

  1. Advanced Custom Fields
  2. Event Organiser
  3. Notifications
  4. Notifications – Conditional Logic
  5. Notifications – Scheduled Triggers


  1. Allows Event Organiser to have venues with the same name.
  2. Creates a Travel News “widget” for use in theme developement.
  3. Hides unneeded Event Organiser admin fields.
  4. Filters iCal feed to add more itinerary details to each event.
  5. Filters the event custom post type RSS feed to add dates, city, state, and proper formatting.
  6. Adds featured images to the main post RSS feed.
  7. Plenty of built-in hooks and filters for extending Evangelists Toolbox – see below.

Hooks & Filters



Hooks before the Travel News event loop for adding markup.


Hooks after the Travel News event loop for adding markup.


Hooks before the Travel News event loop while statement for adding markup before the loop.


Hooks after the Travel News event loop while statement for adding markup after the loop.


Hooks before the Travel News event for adding markup on the post content.


Hooks after the Travel News event for adding markup on the post content.



Filters the output of the Contact Info section in iCal feed event description.


Filters the output of the Ministry Info section in iCal feed event description.


Filters the output of the Lodging Info section in iCal feed event description.


Filters the output of the Travel Info section in iCal feed event description.


Filters the output of the Other Notes Info section in iCal feed event description.


Filters the global Google Map options.


Filters the global Google Map styles. Visit to create your own.


Allows for modifying the featured image size.


Filters the featured image height and width.


Filters the standard “pending” text output.


Filters the standard “pending” text output in the admin.

Change Log

2.2.2 – Updated Notifications classes for Notifications Version 7.
2.2.1 – Added “CANCELLED” event status.
2.1.1 – Fixed calendar event title to accomodate “PENDING” status.
2.1.0 – Added settings page and options for default event status and Google Map zoom.
2.0.0 – Added itinerary output function. Tweaked pending system. Added “More Event Details” custom fields.
1.5.2 – Fixed iCal event titles with messed up characters.
1.5.1 – Fixed and improved iCal feeds. Improved map styles.
1.5.0 – Added Notifications plugin support.
1.4.2 – Forces “Future” events to show by default on the All Events admin page.
1.4.1 – Only allowed “public” events to be visible across the site, except for the itinerary page.
1.4.0 – Added featured images to RSS feeds.
1.3.1 – Added fix to only allow “public” events into the RSS feed.
1.3.0 – Added proper event RSS formatting.
1.2.0 – Added map filters and updated documentation.
1.1.0 – Added iCal filters.
1.0.0 – Ititial launch.