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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress


There are many wordpress plugins written to import Facebook events into a wordpress site, but not many that work the other direction.
This is a small application written to help sync events from the wordpress event calendar at and the public Facebook page for ONETaiko at
The general workflow of this app are:

  1. Scrape contents from the wordpress website
  2. Using a cusomized facebook app and the faceboook graph API, check to see if the events are posted to Facebook
  3. If the events are not there, post the events

Latest Update 2018-07-30

This project is currently not possible given the current state of Facebook’s API offerings and test environment

  1. There is no true backend-only way to retrieve a Facebook oauth 2.0 token. The only APIs availble to retrieve this initial token requires a front-end web component to display
    an interactive login interface, along with a callback URL to send the new token to. I could hack around this on my wordpress site by creating some custom PHP CGI endpoints, but I’d not feel very good doing it.
  2. We cannot create a test page for test users. There may be a workaround to create a test page with the graph API, but that is one more extra step for testing.
  3. Most importantly, the APIs that let you manage a page’s events are not available. They
    seem to be in a restricted access mode, whatever that means…

Maybe some other time I’ll revisit this.