Open Source
=== On Hover Image Sharer by Profitquery === Contributors: schemotechnik, i_vlasov, frenly_girl Donate link: Tags: conversion tool, conversion tools, e-mail, ecommerce tools, email, facebook, google, pinterest, share this, social marketing, subscription button, twitter, share, sharing, site optimization, social plugins, twitter buttons, facebook buttons, pinterest button, google+ button, share buttons, on hover share, on hover sharing, sharing image, marketing bar, contact form, mailchimp integration, social login, follow buttons, sharing sidebar, floating popup, call me back, contact verifier Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 4.1.1 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPL 2. See License below for copyright jots and tittles. Tool for traffic growth 2x. Free distribution, many design options, mobile responsive, without any social network apps, custom post types. == Description == All photos on your website will automatically get social sharing buttons. This tool exact image sharing to most popular social network. Free distribution and many powerful features make On Hover Image Sharer By Profitquery one of the best of its kind. **Features Image Sharer:**<br> 1. <strong>Free distribution</strong><br> 2. <strong>Many design options</strong><br> 3. <strong>Exact image sharer</strong><br> 4. <strong>Works without any social network apps with fb, twitter, pinterest, google plus, tumblr etc.</strong><br> 5. <strong>With open graph tag or custom title, description params for each photo</strong><br> 6. <strong>Mobile responsive</strong><br> 7. <strong>Google Analitics integration</strong><br><br> Use this plugin you automatically get access to the Profitquery marketing intelligence platform. Tools to Grow Your Website, Traffic, Conversion and Loyalty. == Installation == For an automatic installation through WordPress: 1. Go to the 'Add New' plugins screen in your WordPress admin area 1. Search for 'Profitquery' 1. Click 'Install Now' and activate the plugin For a manual installation via FTP: 1. Upload the profitquery image folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in your WordPress admin area To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP: 1. Upload the downloaded zip file on the 'Add New' plugins screen (see the 'Upload' tab) in your WordPress admin area and activate. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is Image Sharer by Profitquery free? = Yes, it's free. = Do I need to create an account? = No. To get API Key you need click on the 'Get API Key' link in wordpress admin area, but we will pleasure if you rate this plugin and leave a comment. = Is JavaScript required? = All of the options required through this plugin require javascript. JavaScript must be enabled. We load the actual interface via JavaScript at run-time, which allows us to upgrade the functionality of the all tools itself automatically everywhere. == Screenshots == 1. Exact image sharer without any social networks app 2. Beautiful design options 3. Customization options 4. Profitquery Tools ready for use now == PHP Version == PHP 5+ is preferred; PHP 4 is supported.