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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress

Integration of Allegro and WooCommerce

WordPress plugin that syncs products’ availability between WooCommerce and Allegro

README in Polish

Installing the plugin

The plugin is available on – you can find it in the WordPress panel in the Plugins menu or download the zip file from the aforementioned site and install it in the Plugins menu too. You can also just clone this Git repository into wp-content/plugins/integration-allegro-woocommerce directory and enable the plugin from the WordPress panel.

Connecting to Allegro

Go to and create new application. Type the name, optional description and select that the app will have access to web browser. Then, in redirect URIstype the address shown in the Integration of Allegro and WooCommerce’s panel (like http[s]://your-site/wp-admin/tools.php?page=waint) and click add. Next copy the Client ID and Client Secret, paste them in the panel and Save settings. The last step is to click Link to Allegro.

Using the plugin

To bind products from WooCommerce and Allegro you must have their IDs. In the panel, under Bindings, click + icon and type products’ IDs into corresponding fields. Then Save settings. If you want, you can sync products’ quantity by clicking Sync WooCommerce -> Allegro or Sync Allegro -> WooCommerce.


If you have seen some bugs or you’d like to improve this plugin, feel free to open new GitHub Issues or PRs. Thank you all for your help! 🙂
