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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

LB Init

Kick Starter to develop WordPress themes with gulp, browser sync, stylus and other tools to make your life easier.


Basic project resources

  • Gulp
    Task Automator
  • Stylus
    Dynamic stylesheet preprocessor
  • Jeet
    To work with grids
  • Rupture
    To work with media queries

Get Start

  1. Clone the repository into the wp-content / themes folder of your WordPress project git clone
  2. Access the directory cd lb-init
  3. Install the dependencies npm install
  4. Start work gulp default


Once you’ve finished developing your theme you can use the gulp build command to generate a zip file with your theme files, so you do not have to upload unneeded files such as node_modules and _source directories to your environment of production.


You can contribute to the source code in our GitHub page.

  1. Take a fork repository;
  2. Configure your;
  3. Check issues and choose one that does not have anyone working;
  4. Sincronize seu fork;
  5. Create a branch to work on the issue of responsibility: git checkout -b issue-17;
  6. Commit the changes you made: git commit -m 'Review commits you did';
  7. Make a push to branch: git push origin issue-17;
  8. Make a Pull Request 😀

Note: If you want to contribute to something that was not recorded in the issues it is important to create and subscribe to prevent someone else to start working on the same thing you.
If you need help performing any of the procedures above, please access the link and learn how to make a Pull Request.