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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== MDR Webmaster Tools ===
Contributors: mattrude
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 1.1
Tags: google, bing, yahoo, robots.txt, sitemap, xml, seo
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Provides Webmaster site verification scripts for Google, Yahoo, & Bing. Plugin also provides Google Analytics Tracking Script and sitemap support.

== Description ==

MDR Webmaster Tools provides many small necessary functions to WordPress when for managing your site with [Google](, [Yahoo](, & [Bing's]( webmaster tools sites.   The plugin adds the following functions to WordPress

* Dynamic Sitemap
* Ability to modify your robots.txt file.
* Site verification scripts for Google, Yahoo, & Bing.
* Google Analytics Tracking Script for registered sites.

This plugin will create a sitemap for your WordPress site ( No files are stored on your disk, the sitemap.xml file is generate as needed, like your feeds.  No UI to speak of, just drop in place and your good to go.

This plugin is fully translatable with the full POT file included.

For Support, please contact me via the [WordPress Forums](, if you find a bug, please create a ticket on the plugins [Github Issues]( page.

See Tools -> Webmaster Tools

== Installation ==
As with most WordPress plugins, there is two ways of installing this plugin.

= Primary Option =

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and login as an Admin
1. From your Dashboard go to `Plugins` section on the left hand side and select `Add New`.
1. Search for `MDR Webmaster Tools`
1. Click the `Install Now` link and follow the instructions.

= Secondary Option =

1. Download the latest version from the download page (
1. Extract the zip file and copy the folder "mdr-webmaster-tools" into the "wp-content/plugins/" directory in your WordPress installation.
1. Activate the plugin from your Dashboard by going to Plugins -> Installed page.

== Screenshots ==

1. The main Webmaster Tools options screen.

== Changelog ==

= Version 1.1 =
* Initial Version