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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Mobile sharing toolbar (share via Facebook, Twitter, etc..) ===
Contributors: wiziapp
Tags: facebook, twitter, google+, linkdin, share, sharing, social, social sharing, mobile, mobile sharing
Requires at least: 3.4
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag: 1.1.0
License: GPLv2 or later

Add a mobile friendly social share buttons to your mobile site so users can share your content on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

== Description ==

= About The "Mobile Sharing toolbar" plugin =

The "Mobile Social Sharing toolbar" plugin adds social share buttons to your mobile site so users can share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & Linkdin.
The social share buttons are displayed exclusively on mobile devices and does not affect your desktop site.

You can choose to display the social share buttons in two layouts:

- As a floating share icon on top of your mobile posts and pages, clicking this icon opens the social share buttons.
- Display the social share buttons directly on the end of each of your mobile posts & pages (just uncheck the "floating" option on the plugin settings).

This plugin was created by [Wiziapp]( which enables you to set an exclusive theme for your mobile site & create native mobile Apps, click [here]( for more information.

== Installation ==

= Installing The Mobile Social Share toolbar plugin from your WordPress admin panel: =

1. Go to the "Plugins" / "Add new" on the left main menu.
2. Type WiziappAppWall within the search box and click "Search Plugins".
3. Choose the "WiziappAppWall" Plugin and click "Install Now".
4. Click "Activate Plugin".
5. Click the WiziappAppWall button on the menu sidebar to create your Android App.

= Download and Install The Mobile Social Share toolbar plugin from wordpress plugin directory or from =

1. Click the "Download" button.
2. Go to your WordPress admin panel, open the Plugins menu on the left main menu and click "Add New".
3. Click upload on the top page menu.
4. Choose the "Mobile Social sharing toolbar - compatible with Wiziapp" plugin and click "Install Now".
5. Click "Activate Plugin".
1. Click the The Mobile Social Share toolbar button on the menu sidebar to create your Android App.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is the "Mobile Social sharing toolbar" plugin? =
The "Mobile Social Share toolbar" plugin adds social share buttons to your mobile site so users can share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & Linkdin.

= How is the "Mobile Social sharing toolbar" plugin different from other "sharing" plugins? =
The social share buttons are displayed exclusively on mobile devices and does not affect your desktop site.

= Which social networks can be used by the "Mobile Social sharing toolbar" plugin? =
The "Mobile Social Share toolbar" can be used for sharing content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & Linkdin.

= I dont have a mobile site yet, can I use this plugin? =
This plugin is compatible with the Wiziapp plugin which enables you to creates an advanced adaptive mobile theme.

= How can I display the social share buttons on mobile? =

You can choose to display the social share buttons in two ways:

1. A floating share icon on top of your mobile posts and pages, clicking this icon opens the social share buttons.
2. Display the social share buttons directly inside your mobile posts & pages (just uncheck the "floating" option on the plugin settings).

== Other Notes ==

The "Mobile Social Sharing toolbar" can be used for sharing content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & Linkdin, here is some info about social sharing as a tool to promote your brand & about the importance of enabling your users to share your mobile content & general info about these social networks.

= Why Is Social Sharing Important For Your Website? =

Share, Share, Share... this is what all those social "SHARE" media experts have been telling the world for the last few months. A lot of benefits can be achieved if you share some quality information related to product, service or anything else for that matter. There is no secret to the fact that modern world is all about advertising and promotion. A number of services are helping businesses to grow. If you have launched any product or service, you definitely want exposure for the same. The best tool for achieving the desired results is internet that allows you to share the details with people across the globe. The social media platforms are the perfect alternatives to share the information with your followers and friends. Not only can you share with friends and followers, but also with targeted users from across the globe. Internet has made social share very easy and simple. You only need to have a website for your business and services and share it with public through a number of social media sites. These sites are playing huge role in marketing of products, businesses, services and many other industries.

= The Share Options =

When it comes to share options, internet has given us so many mediums to advertise our services and products. This simply leads to more business enquiries resulting in increased profit in turn. Other then products and services, you can share information about your business, related upcoming event as well as other newsworthy event related to the niche. Here is a list of options to consider when it comes to share posts on social media.

- Share on Facebook
- Share on Twitter
- Share on Pinterest
- Share on Google Plus
- Share on Tumbler
- Share on Reddit
- Share on Stumble Upon
- Share on Folkd
- Share on MetaFilter
- Share on Digg
- Share on Fark
- Share on Newswine
- Share on Slashdot
- Share on Delicious
- Share on
- Share on
- Share on Youtube
- Share on Foursquare
- Share on Flipora
- Share on
- Share on Propeller

= What are the Advantages if I Share more on Social Media? =
You do get quite a few advantages if you share information about your products, services or business on social media. It is a fact that socially shared links get more popularity and exposure than other kinds of links. If you share on social media, you are more likely to attract not only people but search engines as well. Latest reports have confirmed that social media sites impact Google ranking a lot. More the times a link is shared, higher the search engine ranking will be. This simply means more traffic and revenue in turn. If a user has a huge social circle and he shares plenty of details with them, he automatically gets promotion for related products and services.

= Should I Share Information on Social Media? =

The answer is yes. Here are few reasons why you must share information with people for your website.

= Share to Get Brand Identity =
Just having a business is not enough to achieve success. Developing a Brand Identity is important. The best way to achieve the same is to share on social media. There are professional service providers who provide the service to share details about your products and services and create brand identity.

= Share to Get a lot of Viewers =
The rule is simple – share more to get more viewers. Now, the content you share must be informative, interesting and call for action. Share random information and chances of you losing out on number of viewers increases.

= Share more to Generate and Convert Leads =
If you have quality content on your website and share the link with viewers, you get better chances to generate and convert leads into revenue.

= Share to Build a Reputation and Status =
One more reason that supports the fact you must share about your website on social networking sites is that it helps in building a reputation and status on internet. Building reputation for products and business is very important for getting benefits for long duration. This reputation can help you go long way and in becoming a successful entrepreneur. Once you get good reputation and respect among users across the globe, they definitely want to visit your services again and again.

= Share to Stand Out Among Competition =
There is a cut throat Competition in every business field. Everyone wants to get bigger benefits and eat into the profit margins of rivals. If you have and website and share the details on social media on a regular basis, you create a special image of yourself among the potential clients and customers. Make sure the content is good on your website so as to make the visitors come back for more.

= Share to Connect with Targeted Audience =
Share your website with a number of people on internet in order to connect with your targeted audiences. You get to know about real people who want to get your services. Having a good product or service is necessary in order to gain success; however, connecting with consumers is necessary. Social media can be a platform to increase the trust level for your company and...