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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress


A octopress plugin to sync post(all posts or latest post) to a website which suport MetaWeblog. (CNBlogs,BlogBus, WordPress etc.)


  1. Checkout this repository, copy files in plugins into octopress/plugins/ folder.
  2. add new gem denpendencies to Gemfile.

      gem 'metaweblog', '~> 0.1.0'
      gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.5.9'
      (The first gem is used to send post with MetaWeblog API.<br /> The second gem is used to parse html.)<br /> then run <code>bundle install</code> to install them. </li> 
        add this task to Rakefile.
      <pre>desc "sync latest post to MetaWeblog site"

    task :sync_latest_post, :passwd do |t, args| puts “Sync the latest post to MetaWeblog site” if :passwd.nil? system “ruby plugins/sync_latest_post.rb " + args[:passwd] else system “ruby plugins/sync_latest_post.rb” end end

    desc “sync all posts to MetaWeblog site(s)” task :sync_all_posts, :passwd do |t, args| puts “Sync all posts to MetaWeblog site(s)” if :passwd.nil? system “ruby plugins/sync_all_posts.rb " + args[:passwd] else system “ruby plugins/sync_all_posts.rb” end end

    desc “sync posts after date to MetaWeblog site(s)” task :sync_posts_after_date, :date, :passwd do |t, args| puts “Sync posts after date to MetaWeblog site(s)” if :passwd.nil? system “ruby plugins/sync_posts_after_date.rb "” + args[:date] + "” " + args[:passwd] else system “ruby plugins/sync_posts_after_date.rb "” + args[:date] + "”" end end

    desc “sync post by title to MetaWeblog site(s)” task :sync_post_by_title, :title, :passwd do |t, args| puts “Sync post by title to MetaWeblog site(s)” if :passwd.nil? system “ruby plugins/sync_post_by_title.rb "” + args[:title] + "" " + args[:passwd] else system “ruby plugins/sync_post_by_title.rb "” + args[:title] +""" end end

      <ol start="4" dir="auto">
          Add blogs configuration to the end of octopress/_config.yml
      <pre># MetaWeblog

    MetaWeblog: blogName: MetaWeblog_username: YOURUSERNAME MetaWeblog_url: YOURBLOGMETAWEBLOGURL MetaWeblog_blogid: BlogID //can be any number

        It supports to post to multiple websites at once. There are examples in the file.

    MetaWeblog: Cnblogs: MetaWeblog_username: <yourname> MetaWeblog_url:<yourname>/services/metaweblog.aspx MetaWeblog_blogid: 145005 SINA: MetaWeblog_username: MetaWeblog_url: MetaWeblog_blogid: 200000 163blog: MetaWeblog_username: MetaWeblog_url: MetaWeblog_blogid: 200001

      <h2 dir="auto">
        <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" id="user-content-usage" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#usage"></a>Usage
      <ol dir="auto">
          run <code>rake generate</code> to generate sites to make all posts brand new.
          run <code>rake sync_latest_post["PASSWD"]</code> to sync the latest post to your website.<br /> or run <code>rake sync_all_posts["PASSWD"]</code> to sync all posts to your website. <code>PASSWD</code> is your password for the blog sites(It is considered that all your blogs are under the same password). If the <code>PASSWD</code> is omitted, the program will ask you for the password of each blog site. In sync-all way, as time limit from blog site, time gap between each post sending is set to 61 seconds. That may cost some time if you&#8217;ve got large sum of posts, It&#8217;s your coffee time 😉
          run <code>rake sync_posts_after_date["date","PASSWD"]</code> to sync the posts after compare date to your website, <code>date</code> is the date string, some thing like &#8220;2013-01-01&#8221; or &#8220;2013/01/01&#8221; or &#8220;Jan 1 2013&#8221;.
          run <code>rake sync_post_by_title["title","PASSWD"]</code> to sync a post by the post title to your website.
        <strong>Please note:</strong>
      <ol dir="auto">
          Some website require you enable MetaWeblog features in the dashboard. (ect. [cnblogs])
      <h2 dir="auto">
        <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" id="user-content-how-to-keep-same-styling" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#how-to-keep-same-styling"></a>How to keep same styling
        Use [cnblogs] as a example.
      <ol dir="auto">
          use file uploader in cnblogs dashboard to upload screen.css file in your octopress project.
          config the &#8216;页首html代码&#8217; in cnblogs dashboard to use the screen.css file.
        (Maybe you should adjust the contents to resolve the styling conflict. You can see an example here: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>)
      <h2 dir="auto">
        <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" id="user-content-some-websites-which-support-metaweblog-api" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#some-websites-which-support-metaweblog-api"></a>Some websites which support MetaWeblog API.
      <ul dir="auto">
          Wordpress<br /> If your WordPress root is <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>, then you have:<br /> Server: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a> (some tools need just the &#8216;; hostname part)<br /> Path: /wordpress/xmlrpc.php<br /> complete URL (just in case): <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>
<br /> URL:http:///xmlrpc.php(example: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>
          博客大巴<br /> URL:<a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>/app.php(example: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>
          博客园<br /> URL:<a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>/services/metaweblog.aspx(example: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>
          网易<br /> URL: (example: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>).
      <h2 dir="auto">
        <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" id="user-content-next-steps" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#next-steps"></a>Next steps
        New features I&#8217;d like to add to this plugin:
      <ul dir="auto">
          eliminate duplication when csync_all_posts.
          Till now, I&#8217;ve just tested cnblog. All other metaWeblog supported website should be tested.
          Code block is not compatible in cnblogs?
        Welcome to make suggestions ot contribute to this repo 🙂