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Push notifications


Push notifications

Azure Notification Hubs

Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1,000,000 notifications, 500 active devices per namespace
  • Pros: No daily quotas, supports Windows Notification Service, Apple Push Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging and Microsoft Push Notification Service
  • Limitations: 500 active devices, free tier has no SLA and no scheduled pushes
  • Exceeding the free tier: Pushes are interrupted when 1,000,000 sent. After 500 active devices new registrations are interrupted.


Pricing page

  • Free tier: unlimited notifications, up to 100,000 monthly active users
  • Pros: supports iOS, Android, Cordova, Phonegap, Ionic, Adobe AIR, Unity mobile applications, basic users segmentation (country/language targeting), message scheduling, transactional API
  • Limitations: no advanced user segmentation, campaigns API, data push and A/B testing on free tier

Firebase Push

Pricing page

  • Free tier: unlimited notifications
  • Pros: supports Android, iOS and browsers (Push API), users segmentation, message scheduling, integrates with Firebase analytics

Ionic Push

Pricing page

  • Free tier: 10K notifications/month
  • Pros: provide dashboard to send push to segments, supports scheduling, designed to be sent from Ionic apps


Pricing page

  • Free tier: unlimited devices, unlimited notifications
  • Pros: support iOS, Android, web push, Windows Phone, Amazon Fire, Chrome extensions and native support for every development environment, localization, unlimited segments, delivery scheduling, realtime analytics, delivery automation, full API, A/B testing, import & export your data