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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Simple Autolinker SEO Tool ===
Contributors: Dustin, Rakesh
Tags: autolinker, auto, linker, seo, tool, html, automatic, link, simple
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 3.0.4
License: GPLv2 or later

Automatically apply links, targets, and no follows to keywords you specify.

== Description ==

Simple Autolinker SEO Tool automatically adds links to your text.

From a box on the bottom of every post and page you can specify a link and keyword to be attached to any text that you insert. 

See homepage to test it out:

Thanks to Autolinker’s minimal design there is no conflict with even the most complex themes.

Automatically apply links, targets, and no follows to keywords you specify.

== Installation ==

Upload the Autolinker SEO Tool plugin to your blog, Activate it, and you’re done.
You’ll find the controls at the bottom of every page and post from within your admin interface. 

== Screenshots ==

See screenshots of the plugin here:

Use the web version of the tool here:

== Changelog ==