Open Source
=== Sitekit === Contributors: webvitaly Donate link: Tags: widget, widgets, search, archive, archives, category, categories, pages, shortcode, shortcodes, bloginfo Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.0 Stable tag: 1.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: Widgets: search, archives and categories. Shortcodes: archives, bloginfo and categories. == Description == > **[Speedup and Protect WordPress]( "Silver Bullet Pro - Speedup and Protect WordPress in a Smart Way")** | > **[Sitekit]( "Plugin page")** | > **[Donate]( "Support the development")** | > **[GitHub]( "Fork")** = Settings: = * Google Analytics code * Show/hide google analytics code if user is logged in * Head code * Footer code = Widgets: = * Archives * Categories * Pages * Search = Shortcodes: = * `[sitekit_posts]` * `[sitekit_archives]` * `[sitekit_categories]` * `[sitekit_bloginfo]` * `[sitekit_iframe]` [Shortcodes with params]( = Useful: = * **[Silver Bullet Pro - Speedup and protect WordPress in a smart way]( "Speedup and protect WordPress in a smart way")** * **[Anti-spam Pro - Block spam in comments]( "Block spam in comments")** == Other Notes == = Parameters for [sitekit_posts]: = * **post_type** - show posts associated with certain type: `[sitekit_posts post_type="page"]`; by default posts are shown: `[sitekit_posts post_type="post"]`; Possible params: post | page | revision | attachment | nav_menu_item | any | your_custom_post_type * **orderby** - the column to use for ordering posts list: `[sitekit_posts orderby="id"]`; by default list is sorted by date: `[sitekit_posts orderby="date"]`; Possible params: modified | title | name | ID | rand * **order** - how to sort posts list: `[sitekit_posts order="DESC"]`; by default list is sorted by ascending order (A-Z): `[sitekit_posts order="ASC"]`; * **posts_per_page** - how many posts to show in the list: `[sitekit_posts posts_per_page="50"]`; by default: `[sitekit_posts posts_per_page="100"]`; [sitekit_posts] is based on [WP_Query class]( = Parameters for [sitekit_archives]: = * `[sitekit_archives]` - list of monthly archives links sorted by date; * `[sitekit_archives type="yearly"]` - list of yearly archives links; * `[sitekit_archives type="monthly"]` - list of monthly archives links; * `[sitekit_archives type="weekly"]` - list of weekly archives links; * `[sitekit_archives type="daily"]` - list of daily archives links; * `[sitekit_archives type="postbypost"]` - list of all posts links sorted by date; * `[sitekit_archives type="alpha"]` - list of all posts links sorted by title; * **limit** - how many links to be included in the list: `[sitekit_archives limit="10"]`; by default all links are shown: `[sitekit_archives limit=""]`; * **format** - format for the archive: `[sitekit_archives format="option"]` - show as a dropdown; by default unordered list is shown: `[sitekit_archives format="html"]`; * **show_post_count** - display counter of posts in the archive: `[sitekit_archives show_post_count="1"]`; by default counter is not shown: `[sitekit_archives show_post_count="0"]`; * **order** - how to sort archives links: `[sitekit_archives order="ASC"]`; by default links are sorted by descending order (Z-A): `[sitekit_archives order="DESC"]`; [sitekit_archives] is based on [wp_get_archives function]( = Parameters for [sitekit_categories]: = * **orderby** - the column to use for ordering categories list: `[sitekit_categories orderby="id"]`; by default list is sorted by title: `[sitekit_categories orderby="name"]`; * **order** - how to sort categories list: `[sitekit_categories order="DESC"]`; by default list is sorted by ascending order (A-Z): `[sitekit_categories order="ASC"]`; * **show_count** - display counter of posts in the categories list: `[sitekit_categories show_count="1"]`; by default counter is not shown: `[sitekit_categories show_count="0"]`; * **hide_empty** - the column to use for ordering categories list: `[sitekit_categories hide_empty="0"]`; by default empty categories are hidden: `[sitekit_categories hide_empty="1"]`; * **hierarchical** - show tree-like categories list: `[sitekit_categories hierarchical="0"]`; by default the list is hierarchical: `[sitekit_categories hierarchical="1"]`; * **depth** - how many levels to include in categories list: `[sitekit_categories depth="5"]`; by default depth is unlimited: `[sitekit_categories depth="0"]`; * **taxonomy** - which taxonomy to show in the list: `[sitekit_categories taxonomy="post_tag"]`; by default categories are shown: `[sitekit_categories taxonomy="category"]`; * **child_of** - term ID to retrieve child terms of: `[sitekit_categories child_of="77"]`; by default all categories are shown: `[sitekit_categories child_of="0"]`; * **exclude** - comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude: `[sitekit_categories exclude="77"]`; by default all categories are shown: `[sitekit_categories exclude=""]`; * **exclude_tree** - comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude, along with their descendants: `[sitekit_categories exclude_tree="77"]`; by default all categories are shown: `[sitekit_categories exclude_tree=""]`; [sitekit_categories] is based on [wp_list_categories function]( = Parameters for [sitekit_bloginfo]: = * `[sitekit_bloginfo show="name"]` - [sitekit_bloginfo params](; [sitekit_bloginfo] is based on [bloginfo function]( = Parameters for [sitekit_iframe]: = * **src** - source of the iframe: `[sitekit_iframe src=""]`; by default src=""; * **width** - width in pixels or in percents: `[sitekit_iframe width="100%"]` or `[sitekit_iframe width="600"]`; by default width="100%"; * **height** - height in pixels: `[sitekit_iframe height="500"]`; by default height="500"; * **scrolling** - with or without the scrollbar: `[sitekit_iframe scrolling="no"]`; by default scrolling="yes"; * **frameborder** - with or without the frame border: `[sitekit_iframe frameborder="0"]`; by default frameborder="0"; * **marginheight** - height of the margin: `[sitekit_iframe marginheight="0"]`; removed by default; * **marginwidth** - width of the margin: `[sitekit_iframe marginwidth="0"]`; removed by default; * **allowtransparency** - allows to set transparency of the iframe: `[sitekit_iframe allowtransparency="true"]`; removed by default; * **id** - allows to add the id of the iframe: `[sitekit_iframe id="custom_id"]`; removed by default; * **class** - allows to add the class of the iframe: `[sitekit_iframe class="custom_class"]`; by default class="iframe-class"; * **style** - allows to add the css styles of the iframe: `[sitekit_iframe style="margin-left:-30px;"]`; removed by default; * **any_other_param** - allows to add new parameter of the iframe `[sitekit_iframe any_other_param="any_value"]`; * **any_other_empty_param** - allows to add new empty parameter of the iframe (like "allowfullscreen" on youtube) `[sitekit_iframe any_other_empty_param=""]`; == Changelog == = 1.2 = * Added Google Analytics code setting * Added Show/hide google analytics code if user is logged in setting * Added Head code setting * Added Footer code setting = 1.1 = * Added pages widgets. = 1.0 = * initial release: Widgets: search, archives and categories. Shortcodes: archives, bloginfo and categories. == Installation == 1. install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page 2. enjoy all plugin's features