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How To Install and Use Memcache on Ubuntu 12.04
Tutorials Caching MySQL PHP Server Optimization Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Configure Redis Caching to Speed Up WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Caching LAMP Stack Redis Server Optimization Ubuntu WordPress
Introduction> Introduction # Redis is an open-source key value store that can operate as both an in-memory store and as cache. Redis is a data structure server that can be used as a database server on its own, or paired with a relational database like MySQL to speed things up, as we’re doing in this tutorial.
How To Install Squid Proxy on CentOS 6
Tutorials Caching CentOS
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of CentOS that is no longer supported. If you are currently operating a server running CentOS 6, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of CentOS.
Understanding Nginx HTTP Proxying, Load Balancing, Buffering, and Caching
Tutorials Caching Conceptual Load Balancing Nginx Scaling
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, we will discuss Nginx’s http proxying capabilities, which allow Nginx to pass requests off to backend http servers for further processing. Nginx is often set up as a reverse proxy solution to help scale out infrastructure or to pass requests to other servers that are not designed to handle large client loads.
Web Caching Basics: Terminology, HTTP Headers, and Caching Strategies
Tutorials Caching Conceptual Server Optimization
Introduction> Introduction # Intelligent content caching is one of the most effective ways to improve the experience for your site’s visitors. Caching, or temporarily storing content from previous requests, is part of the core content delivery strategy implemented within the HTTP protocol.
How To Install WordPress, Nginx, PHP, and Varnish on Ubuntu 12.04
Tutorials Caching Nginx PHP Server Optimization Ubuntu WordPress
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
5 Common Server Setups For Your Web Application
Tutorials Caching Conceptual Getting Started LAMP Stack Scaling
Introduction> Introduction # When deciding which server architecture to use for your environment, there are many factors to consider, such as performance, scalability, availability, reliability, cost, and management. In this tutorial, you will learn about commonly used server setups, with a short description of each, including the pros and cons.
How To Install Alternative PHP Cache (APC) on a Cloud Server Running Ubuntu 12.04
Tutorials Caching PHP Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Share PHP Sessions on Multiple Memcached Servers on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Caching LAMP Stack PHP Scaling Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Memcached is a distributed object caching system which stores information in memory, rather than on disk, for faster access. PHP’s Memcache module can be used to handle sessions which would otherwise be stored on the file system.
How To Install and Use Memcache on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Caching MySQL PHP Server Optimization Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # As your websites grow and see an increase in traffic, one of the components that shows stress the fastest is the backend database. If your database is not distributed and configured to handle high loads, it can easily be overwhelmed by a relatively modest increase in traffic.
How To Install and Configure Varnish with Apache on Ubuntu 12.04
Tutorials Apache Caching Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How to Setup FastCGI Caching with Nginx on your VPS
Tutorials Caching Nginx PHP Server Optimization
Prelude> Prelude # Nginx includes a FastCGI module which has directives for caching dynamic content that are served from the PHP backend. Setting this up removes the need for additional page caching solutions like reverse proxies (think Varnish) or application specific plugins.
How To Configure Varnish Cache 4.0 with SSL Termination on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Caching Nginx Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # In this tutorial, we will cover how to use Varnish Cache 4.0 to improve the performance of your existing web server. We will also show you a way to add HTTPS support to Varnish, with Nginx performing the SSL termination.
How To Configure Apache Content Caching on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Apache Caching Server Optimization Ubuntu
What is Caching?> What is Caching? # Caching is a method of improving server performance by allowing commonly requested content to be temporarily stored in a way that allows for faster access.