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Understanding and Implementing FastCGI Proxying in Nginx
Tutorials Conceptual Nginx PHP Scaling
Introduction> Introduction # Nginx has become one of the most flexible and powerful web server solutions available. However, in terms of design, it is first and foremost a proxy server. This focus means that Nginx is very performant when working to handle requests with other servers.
Hadoop, Storm, Samza, Spark, and Flink: Big Data Frameworks Compared
Tutorials Big Data Conceptual Development
Introduction> Introduction # Big data is a blanket term for the non-traditional strategies and technologies needed to gather, organize, process, and gather insights from large datasets. While the problem of working with data that exceeds the computing power or storage of a single computer is not new, the pervasiveness, scale, and value of this type of computing has greatly expanded in recent years.
Recommended Security Measures to Protect Your Servers
Tutorials Conceptual Firewall Networking Security VPN
Introduction> Introduction # Most of the time, your main focus will be on getting your cloud applications up and running. As part of your setup and deployment process, it is important to build in robust and thorough security measures for your systems and applications before they are publicly available.
What’s New in Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Conceptual Linux Basics Miscellaneous Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # The Ubuntu operating system’s most recent Long Term Support version, version 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), was released on April 21, 2016. This guide is intended as a brief overview of new features and significant changes to the system as a whole, since 14.
An Introduction to Tracking Statistics with Graphite, StatsD, and CollectD
Tutorials Conceptual Monitoring
Introduction> Introduction # There are plenty of reasons why collecting stats about your servers, applications, and traffic is a good idea. Collecting and organizing data can give you confidence in your decisions about scaling, troubleshooting, and tracking down pain-points in your configurations.
Building Optimized Containers for Kubernetes
Tutorials Conceptual Docker Kubernetes
Introduction> Introduction # Container images are the primary packaging format for defining applications within Kubernetes. Images are used as the basis for pods and other objects, and play an important role in efficiently leveraging Kubernetes’ features.
Understanding Systemd Units and Unit Files
Tutorials Conceptual Linux Basics System Tools
Introduction> Introduction # Increasingly, Linux distributions are adopting the systemd init system. This powerful suite of software can manage many aspects of your server, from services to mounted devices and system states.
Understanding Database Sharding
Tutorials Conceptual Databases High Availability Scaling
Introduction> Introduction # Any application or website that sees significant growth will eventually need to scale in order to accommodate increases in traffic. For data-driven applications and websites, it’s critical that scaling is done in a way that ensures the security and integrity of their data.
How Fail2Ban Works to Protect Services on a Linux Server
Tutorials Conceptual Firewall Monitoring Security
Introduction> Introduction # SSH is the de facto method of connecting to a cloud server. It is durable, and it is extensible — as new encryption standards are developed, they can be used to generate new SSH keys, ensuring that the core protocol remains secure.
A Deep Dive into Iptables and Netfilter Architecture
Tutorials Conceptual Firewall
Introduction> Introduction # Firewalls are an important tool that can be configured to protect your servers and infrastructure. In the Linux ecosystem, iptables is a widely used firewall tool that works with the kernel’s netfilter packet filtering framework.
Object Storage vs. Block Storage Services
Tutorials Block Storage Conceptual Object Storage Storage
Introduction> Introduction # Flexible and scalable data storage is a baseline requirement for most applications and services being developed with modern techniques and tools. Whether storing large or small amounts of images, videos, or blobs of text, application developers need a solution for the storage and retrieval of user-generated content, logs, backups, and so on.
A Comparison of Web Servers for Python Based Web Applications
Tutorials Conceptual Python
Introduction> Introduction # In this article, we will talk about three main things: Python, Web Servers, and most importantly the bits and bobs in-between the two. Jokes aside, this rather long article might seem dire for some looking for quick guidance or answers.
How To Troubleshoot Common HTTP Error Codes
Tutorials Apache Conceptual FAQ Nginx
Introduction> Introduction # When accessing a web server or application, every HTTP request that is received by a server is responded to with an HTTP status code. HTTP status codes are three-digit codes, and are grouped into five different classes.
An Introduction to OAuth 2
Tutorials API Conceptual
Introduction> Introduction # OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications — such as Facebook, GitHub, and DigitalOcean — to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service.
A Comparison of DNS Server Types: How To Choose the Right DNS Configuration
Tutorials Conceptual DNS Networking
Introduction> Introduction # DNS, or the Domain Name System, is an integral part of how systems connect with each other to communicate on the internet. Without DNS, computers, and the people who use them, would be required to connect using only numerical addresses known as IP addresses.
What is FTP and How Is It Used?
Tutorials Conceptual FAQ System Tools
What is FTP?> What is FTP? # FTP is a way to transfer files between hosts over the internet. It is especially helpful as a way to upload or download files to or from a site quickly.