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CSS System Font Stack Reference
Tutorials CSS
Fonts on a website can easily become a large part of the total bundle size that browsers have to download before being able to display a page in its final look and form.
Using the CSS line-height Property to Improve Readability
Tutorials CSS
In this article, you will learn about the CSS line-height property and how you can use it to create visually pleasant, readable text. You have probably seen line-height being used before:
How To Define Custom Fonts in CSS with @font-face and font-display
Tutorials CSS
Introduction> Introduction # @font-face is a CSS at-rule used to define custom fonts. With @font-face, you provide a path to a font file hosted on the same server as your CSS file.
How to Use the CSS :root Pseudo-Class Selector
Tutorials CSS
Learn about the CSS :root pseudo-class selector, and how you might want to use it in your projects! The CSS :root pseudo-class selector is used to select the highest-level parent of a given specification.
How To Create a Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS in Chrome
Tutorials CSS
Introduction> Introduction # Modern CSS is a powerful tool you can use to create many advanced User Interface (UI) features. In the past, these features relied on JavaScript libraries. In this guide, you will set up a few CSS lines to create a scrolling parallax effect on a web page.
Styling Placeholder Text Using CSS
Tutorials CSS
Placeholder text will automatically inherit the font family and font size of the regular input text, but you may be in a situation where you want to change the placeholder text color.
CSS Grid Layout: The Span Keyword
Tutorials CSS
If you’re placing items onto their parent grid with grid-column or grid-row, you can use the span keyword to avoid specifying end lines when items should span more than one column or row.
Introduction to Bulma CSS with React
Tutorials CSS React
Introduction> Introduction # Bulma is a CSS framework that has helpers, elements, and components. You can use the Bulma classes and HTML structures for dependable and expandable designs in your projects.
How To Prevent Line Breaks Using CSS
Tutorials CSS HTML
Introduction> Introduction # Developers typically like to wrap text on a web page. Wrapping constrains text in one way or another and prevents design issues. Text wrapping can also prevent horizontal scrolling.
How to Change a CSS Background Image’s Opacity
Tutorials CSS
Introduction> Introduction # opacity is a CSS property that allows you to change the opaqueness of an element. By default, all elements have a value of 1. By changing this value closer to ``, the element will appear more and more transparent.
How To Scale and Crop Images with CSS object-fit
Tutorials CSS
Introduction> Introduction # You will likely encounter a scenario where you will want to preserve the original aspect ratio when working with images. Preserving the aspect ratio will prevent images from appearing distorted by either being stretched or squished.