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How To Redirect www to Non-www with Nginx on CentOS 7
Tutorials CentOS Nginx
Introduction> Introduction # Many web developers need to allow their users to access their website or application via both the www subdomain and the root (non-www) domain. That is, users should have the same experience when visiting www.
How To Install Rails and nginx with Passenger on Ubuntu
Tutorials Nginx Ruby on Rails Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Ruby on Rails is an application stack that provides web developers with a framework to quickly create a variety of web applications, and nginx is a light, high performance web server software.
How to Deploy Python WSGI Applications Using uWSGI Web Server with Nginx
Tutorials CentOS Miscellaneous Nginx Python
Introduction> Introduction # As introduced in our Python Web Server Comparison article, uWSGI is a vast project, capable of doing much more than serving web applications alone. However, its wide array of functionality, combined with relative ease of configuring it, make it an excellent choice for many deployment needs– especially when it is coupled with Nginx.
Understanding and Implementing FastCGI Proxying in Nginx
Tutorials Conceptual Nginx PHP Scaling
Introduction> Introduction # Nginx has become one of the most flexible and powerful web server solutions available. However, in terms of design, it is first and foremost a proxy server. This focus means that Nginx is very performant when working to handle requests with other servers.
How To Install WordPress with LEMP on Ubuntu 18.04
Tutorials LEMP Nginx Ubuntu 18.04 WordPress
Introduction> Introduction # WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system) on the internet. It allows you to easily set up flexible blogs and websites on top of a MySQL backend with PHP processing.
How To Install and Configure Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn
Tutorials Django Nginx PostgreSQL Python
Prerequisites> Prerequisites # This tutorial assumes you have already set up your droplet (VPS) with Debian 7 or a similar distro of Linux (such as Ubuntu). If you have not already done this, please follow the tutorial on setting up a droplet here.
How To Use Logstash and Kibana To Centralize Logs On CentOS 6
Tutorials CentOS Logging Monitoring Nginx
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of CentOS that is no longer supported. If you are currently operating a server running CentOS 6, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of CentOS.
How To Troubleshoot Common ELK Stack Issues
Tutorials CentOS Logging Nginx Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # This tutorial is an ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) troubleshooting guide. It assumes that you followed the How To Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK Stack) on Ubuntu 14.
How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Deployment Django Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Django is a powerful web framework that can help you get your Python application or website off the ground. Django includes a simplified development server for testing your code locally, but for anything even slightly production related, a more secure and powerful web server is required.
How To Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP stack) in Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials LEMP MySQL Nginx PHP Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # The LEMP software stack is a group of software that can be used to serve dynamic web pages and web applications. This is an acronym that describes a Linux operating system, with an Nginx web server.
How To Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 7
Tutorials CentOS Let's Encrypt Nginx Security
Introduction> Introduction # Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority (CA) that provides a way to obtain and install free TLS/SSL certificates, thereby enabling encrypted HTTPS on web servers. It streamlines the process by providing a software client, Certbot, that attempts to automate most (if not all) of the required steps.
How To Configure Nginx with SSL as a Reverse Proxy for Jenkins
Tutorials Load Balancing Nginx Security Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # By default, Jenkins comes with its own built in web server, which listens on port 8080. This is convenient if you run a private Jenkins instance, or if you just need to get something up quickly and don’t care about security.
How To Serve Flask Applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Deployment Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, we will be setting up a simple Python application using the Flask micro-framework on Ubuntu 14.04. The bulk of this article will be about how to set up the Gunicorn application server to launch the application and Nginx to act as a front end reverse proxy.
How To Set Up a Node.js Application for Production on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Deployment Nginx Node.js Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Node.js is an open source Javascript runtime environment for easily building server-side and networking applications. The platform runs on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows, and its applications are written in JavaScript.
How To Serve Flask Applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04
Tutorials Nginx Python Python Frameworks Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04
Introduction> Introduction # In this guide, you will build a Python application using the Flask microframework on Ubuntu 18.04. The bulk of this article will be about how to set up the Gunicorn application server and how to launch the application and configure Nginx to act as a front-end reverse proxy.
How To Troubleshoot Common HTTP Error Codes
Tutorials Apache Conceptual FAQ Nginx
Introduction> Introduction # When accessing a web server or application, every HTTP request that is received by a server is responded to with an HTTP status code. HTTP status codes are three-digit codes, and are grouped into five different classes.
How To Set Up Nginx with HTTP/2 Support on Ubuntu 18.04
Tutorials Let's Encrypt Nginx Ubuntu 18.04
A previous version of this tutorial was written by Sergey Zhukaev. Introduction> Introduction # Nginx is a fast and reliable open-source web server. It gained its popularity due to its low memory footprint, high scalability, ease of configuration, and support for a wide variety of protocols.
How To Set Up nginx Virtual Hosts (Server Blocks) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Tutorials Nginx Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP) stack on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Getting Started MySQL Nginx PHP Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # The LEMP software stack is a group of software that can be used to serve dynamic web pages and web applications. This is an acronym that describes a Linux operating system, with an Nginx web server.
How To Set Up Password Authentication with Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Nginx Security Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # When setting up a web server, there are often sections of the site that you wish to restrict access to. Web applications often provide their own authentication and authorization methods, but the web server itself can be used to restrict access if these are inadequate or unavailable.