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How To Share Data Between the Docker Container and the Host
Tutorials Docker Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04
Introduction> Introduction # In general, Docker containers are ephemeral, running just as long as it takes for the command issued in the container to complete. By default, any data created inside the container is only available from within the container and only while the container is running.
How To Manage Log Files With Logrotate On Ubuntu 12.10
Tutorials Logging Ubuntu
About Logrotate> About Logrotate # Logrotate is a utility/tool that manages activities like automatic rotation, removal and compression of log files in a system. This is an excellent tool to manage your logs conserve precious disk space.
How To Use Port Knocking to Hide your SSH Daemon from Attackers on Ubuntu
Tutorials Security Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Install WordPress with nginx on Ubuntu 12.04
Tutorials LEMP Nginx Ubuntu WordPress
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Set Up WordPress Multisite with Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Nginx Ubuntu WordPress
Introduction> Introduction # WordPress’s multisite feature offers the ability to create multiple websites from a single installation of WordPress. Each site can have a separate theme, set of plugins, and collection of content (posts and pages).
How To Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04
Tutorials System Tools Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04
Introduction> Introduction # Jenkins is an open-source automation server that automates the repetitive technical tasks involved in the continuous integration and delivery of software. Jenkins is Java-based and can be installed from Ubuntu packages or by downloading and running its web application archive (WAR) file — a collection of files that make up a complete web application to run on a server.
Top 10 Linux Easter Eggs
Tutorials CentOS Debian Fedora Miscellaneous Ubuntu
Not a Definitive List… Often, when you log into your Linux VPS, you are looking to get some work done. However, no one can claim that the thousands of developers who create the software available on a typical Linux machine are always completely serious.
How To Host Multiple Websites Securely With Nginx And Php-fpm On Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Nginx PHP Security Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # It’s well known that the LEMP stack (Linux, nginx, MySQL, PHP) provides unmatched speed and reliability for running PHP sites. Other benefits of this popular stack such as security and isolation are less popular, though.
How To Configure Logging And Log Rotation In Apache On An Ubuntu VPS
Tutorials Apache Logging Server Optimization Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Set Up vsftpd for a User’s Directory on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Linux Basics Security Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction FTP, short for File Transfer Protocol, is a network protocol that was once widely used for moving files between a client and server. It has since been replaced by faster, more secure, and more convenient ways of delivering files.
How To Protect an Nginx Server with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Firewall Nginx Security Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # When operating a web server, it is important to implement security measures to protect your site and users. Protecting your web sites and applications with firewall policies and restricting access to certain areas with password authentication is a great starting point to securing your system.
How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04
Tutorials Nginx Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04
Introduction> Introduction # Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is responsible for hosting some of the largest and highest-traffic sites on the internet. It is a lightweight choice that can be used as either a web server or reverse proxy.
How To Install Elasticsearch on an Ubuntu VPS
Tutorials Elasticsearch Ubuntu
Status: Deprecated> Status: Deprecated # This article covers a version of Ubuntu that is no longer supported. If you are currently operate a server running Ubuntu 12.04, we highly recommend upgrading or migrating to a supported version of Ubuntu:
How To Install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Applications Java Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # Apache Tomcat is a web server and servlet container that is used to serve Java applications. Tomcat is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies, released by the Apache Software Foundation.
How To Use Dig, Whois, & Ping on an Ubuntu VPS to Query DNS Data
Tutorials CentOS Debian DNS Fedora Linux Basics Linux Commands Ubuntu
Dig is a networking tool that can query DNS servers for information. It can be very helpful for diagnosing problems with domain pointing and is a good way to verify that your configuration is working.
How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials MySQL Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # MySQL is an open-source database management system, commonly installed as part of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stack. It uses a relational database and SQL (Structured Query Language) to manage its data.
How To Use PM2 to Setup a Node.js Production Environment On An Ubuntu VPS
Tutorials Node.js Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # This tutorial aims to help you setup up an Ubuntu server to run Node.js applications, including apps based on Express, Geddy, or Sails. These instructions will help you avoid some security mistakes, as well as provide some surprising benefits such as:
How To Move an Apache Web Root to a New Location on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorials Apache Block Storage Storage Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04
Introduction> Introduction # On Ubuntu, by default, the Apache2 web server stores its documents in /var/www/html, which is typically located on the root filesystem with rest of the operating system. Sometimes, though, it’s helpful to move the document root to another location, such as a separate mounted filesystem.
How To Set Up a Private Docker Registry on Ubuntu 14.04
Tutorials Docker Nginx Ubuntu
Introduction> Introduction # Docker is a great tool for deploying your servers. Docker even has a public registry called Docker Hub to store Docker images. While Docker lets you upload your Docker creations to their Docker Hub for free, anything you upload is also public.
How To Create, Remove & Manage Tables in PostgreSQL on a Cloud Server
Tutorials PostgreSQL Ubuntu
What is PostgreSQL?> What is PostgreSQL? # PostgreSQL is a database management system that uses the SQL querying language. It is a very stable and feature-rich database system that can be used to store the data from other applications on your VPS.