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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Toolbar Buddy ===
Contributors: daveshine, deckerweb
Donate link:
Tags: toolbar, tool bar, adminbar, admin bar, ithemes, builder, framework, pluginbuddy, backupbuddy, loopbuddy, displaybuddy, administration, resources, links, theme, settings, manage, deckerweb, ddwtoolbar
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag: 1.4.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This plugin adds useful admin links and resources for iThemes Builder and popular iThemes/PluginBuddy Plugins to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.

== Description ==

= Have Quicker Access - Time Saver! =
This **small and lightweight plugin** just adds a lot of *iThemes Builder* and *iThemes Plugins/PluginBuddy* related resources to your toolbar / admin bar. Also links to all settings pages of *Builder* and supported *iThemes Plugins* are added, making life for webmasters (a.k.a. Admins and Super Admins) a lot easier. So you might just switch from the frontend of your site to the *Builder* 'Layouts' or adjust the schedule for 'BackupBuddy Backups' etc.

As the name suggests this plugin is **intended towards site admins and super admins**. The new admin bar entries will only be displayed if the current user has a proper WordPress capability originally required by *Builder* or the supported plugins. And yes, **Toolbar Buddy supports Multisite installs** which is especially useful for *BackupBuddy*... :-)

= Features =
* "iThemes Builder Framework" support (current 3.x branch!)
* "BackupBuddy" plugin support, for current 2.x branch AND upcoming 3.x branch (currently beta!), including all Multisite features
* "LoopBuddy" plugin support
* "DisplayBuddy" plugin series support, including these 12 plugins: Accordion / Billboard / BoomBar / Carousel / Copious Comments / Featured Posts / Rotating Images / Rotating Text / Slides / Slideshow / Tipsy / Video Showcase
* Great time & clicks saver for admins / super admins
* Only display toolbar and menu items for proper capabilities
* Multisite compatible! (supports network-activation)
* Resource/Support links for each module or plugin included!
* 5 Hooks, 6 filters and 9 constants allow for special customizing/ branding purposes for the plugin's output. Great for developers doing client stuff or need this for other purposes. -- [See the FAQ section here]( for more info on that.
* Fully internationalized! Real-life tested and developed with international users in mind! Also supports update-secure custom language file (if you need special wording...)
* Fully WPML compatible!
* Fully optimized:
 * The already lightweight stuff only gets loaded if needed!
 * Toolbar Buddy consists of 4 modules: iThemes Builder stuff / BackupBuddy stuff / LoopBuddy stuff / DisplayBuddy stuff
 * If none of the supported stuff is activated nothing will be loaded or displayed!
 * If resource links group is deactivated via constant, stuff won't be loaded!
 * Plugin's extra admin links load only within "wp-admin"!

= Special Features =
* This time supporting all official iThemes/ Builder/ iThemes Plugins sites
* Link to downloadable German language packs - only displayed when German locales are active (de_DE, de_AT, de_CH, de_LU)
* *NOTE:* I would be more than happy to add more language/locale specific resources and more useful third-party links - just contact me!

= iThemes Builder specific Plugin Support =
*At this time the plugin out of the box supports also links to settings pages of these Builder-specific add-on plugins:*

* "Builder Style Manager"
* "Builder SEO"
* "Builder Block Events" (post types for Events and Venues - "Builder" needs to be activated first!)
* "Builder Block Church" (post types for Sermons and Staff Members - "Builder" needs to be activated first!)
* "Builder Block Restaurant" (post types for Menu Items and Locations - only useful if "Builder" Child Theme supports it)

= Localization =
* English (default) - always included
* German (de_DE) - always included
* .pot file (`toolbar-buddy.pot`) for translators is also always included :)
* Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: [Translate "Toolbar Buddy"...](
* *Your translation? - [Just send it in](*

[A plugin from and GenesisThemes](

= Feedback =
* I am open for your suggestions and feedback - Thank you for using or trying out one of my plugins!
* Drop me a line [@deckerweb]( on Twitter
* Follow me on [my Facebook page](
* Or follow me on [+David Decker]( on Google Plus ;-)

= Tips & More =
* When using *Builder Block Events* with *Gravity Forms*, [you might want check out my "Gravity Forms Toolbar" plugin :)](
* Check out more great helper plugins for admins in [my WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar plugin series...](
* [Also see my other plugins]( or see [my profile page](
* Tip: [*GenesisFinder* - Find then create. Your Genesis Framework Search Engine.](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the entire `toolbar-buddy` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory -- or just upload the ZIP package via 'Plugins > Add New > Upload' in your WP Admin
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Look at your toolbar / admin bar for the "iBuddy" entry and enjoy using the new links there :)
4. Go and manage your theme/framework and/or plugin settings - plus some content stuff :)

**Please note, this plugin requires WordPress 3.3 or higher in order to work!**

**Multisite install:** Yes, it's fully compatible but I recommend you to have a look in the [FAQ section here]( for more info :)

**Own translation/wording:** For custom and update-secure language files please upload them to `/wp-content/languages/toolbar-buddy/` (just create this folder) - This enables you to use fully custom translations that won't be overridden on plugin updates. Also, complete custom English wording is possible with that, just use a language file like `` to achieve that (for creating one see the tools on "Other Notes").

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this plugin work with latest WordPress version and also older versions? =
Yes, this plugin works really fine with the latest WordPress 3.3+ and also 3.4!
And sorry, it DOES NOT work with older WordPress versions so please update your install if you haven't done yet :).

= I don't see any new toolbar entries/links? =
You must be an "Administrator" or "Super Administrator" (Multisite) in your install! Otherwise nothing gets displayed. Toolbar Buddy just takes over completely the behavior of its supported theme and/or plugins. (So if you have a general problem with that you should contact the iThemes support.)

*Note:* Toolbar Buddy also respects the removal of "My Theme" menu if set via "Builder" or child theme functions.php file. In this case NO Builder-specific links will be displayed!

= Help, I now have two Builder-related toolbar items? =
Toolbar Buddy items appear under "iBuddy" where the original "Builder" items just appear under "Builder". That way you can manage your current layout used by the site and its depending widget content. "iBuddy" then manages all other things... :) (Note: By user request I just decided to let both go hand in hand as the default setting. Removal of original "Builder" item in plugin version 1.0 was disabled by plugin version 1.1. --- Since I still wanted to have only one item I added the optional removing of the original item via a constant in your child theme's `functions.php file` - just add this code:
/** Toolbar Buddy: Remove Original Builder Toolbar Items */

= Why is the main toolbar entry called "iBuddy"? =
This is just my shortened version of the term "iThemes and PluginBuddy". I wanted it really short and unique and somewhat related to this brand so I came up with that name. I hope you like it... If not, just introduce your own wording/branding via another language file. --- Since the rebranding of "PluginBuddy" to just iThemes or iThemes Plugins, I still think "iBuddy" remains the perfect fit, especially regarding the hugely popular "BackupBuddy" plugin among others :).

= How are new resources being added to the toolbar/admin bar? =
Just drop me a note on [my Twitter @deckerweb]( or via my contact page and I'll add the link if it is useful for admins/ webmasters and the iThemes...