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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash

Contributors: uncannyowl
Tags: LearnDash, eLearning, LMS, education, learning, courseware
Requires at least: 5.2
Tested up to: 6.1.1
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag:
License: This plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or any later version. Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash. If not, see
License URI:
Extend LearnDash with a variety of useful functions that make it even easier to build great learner experiences with LearnDash.


Important: This plugin requires PHP 7.2 or higher and LearnDash 3.6 or higher.
The Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash adds 16 modules that every elearning site needs, including a login form, login redirect, resume capabilities and more. Trusted to power over 30,000+ LearnDash sites, it’s the easiest way to improve the learning experience for your students. Translation ready and multisite capable!
The Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash adds the following features to your LearnDash site:

  • Front End Login: Replace the default WordPress login form with a clean, modern login form that you can add to any branded page. Also supports front end password reset with a custom email. User verification can be enabled to require registrations be approved by an administrator.
  • Hide Admin Bar: Hide the WordPress admin bar for specific user roles.
  • LearnDash Resume Button: Allow users to pick up where they left off in a LearnDash course by clicking a button.
  • Login/Logout Redirects: Redirect learners to a specific URL after signing in or out of the site.
  • Menu Item Visibility: Control the visibility of menu entries based on whether or not the user is signed in.
  • Show or Hide Content: Use shortcodes to show or hide content based on whether or not a user is signed in. Great for Open course types.
  • Log In/Log Out Links: Add Log In and Log Out links to menus, or to any page or widget with a shortcode. If you have been frustrated by signed in users seeing Login links, this will help.
  • Topics Autocomplete Lessons: Automatically mark lessons complete when all topics and quizzes for that lesson are marked complete.
  • Quiz completion advances to next step: Automatically advance to the next step when user clicks “Click here to continue” on final quiz page of a lesson/topic.
  • User Switching: View courses and the rest of your site as a specific user without requiring their password.
  • LearnDash Breadcrumbs: Add breadcrumb links that support courses, lessons, topics and quizzes. Also supports WooCommerce, custom post types and more.
  • LearnDash Certificate Widget: Display all the certificates a learner has earned using a widget.
  • Not Enrolled Redirect: Redirect users to a specific URL if they are not enrolled in a course.
  • Show LearnDash Certificates: Use a simple shortcode to display a list of all certificates (course and quiz) earned by the current user.
  • LearnDash Groups in User Profiles: Easily identify LearnDash Group membership from user profile pages.
  • Disable Emails: Easily disable all outgoing emails when troubleshooting issues.

We welcome contributions to the Uncanny Toolkit! The plugin is managed in a Bitbucket Repository.
Ready to take your LearnDash site even further?
The Pro version of the Uncanny Toolkit adds a continuously expanding list of powerful features (30 at last count!) to the Toolkit. These include:

Uncanny Automator
If you like the Uncanny Toolkit, you’ll love Uncanny Automator! Our free no-code automation plugin connects LearnDash to over 100 plugins and apps plus other WordPress sites. Build personalized learning with a few clients and connect LearnDash to Google Sheets, Facebook, Slack and more. Trusted by over 4,000 LearnDash sites to build powerful learning workflows and automations.
More LearnDash Plugins!
Uncanny Owl offers a full suite of plugins that extend the LearnDash platform and make it easier to build and manage a great learning experience. Here are a few:

  • Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash: Add support for your SCORM and Tin Can modules inside WordPress as well as powerful drill-down LearnDash reports.
  • Uncanny Groups for LearnDash: Make it easy for your customers and member organizations to manage their learners in the front end, track their progress with powerful reports, and buy courses and course licenses.
  • Uncanny Codes for LearnDash: An easier way to get your learners into LearnDash Groups or courses. Generate codes that can be used by learners to self-enrol into LearnDash groups and courses when they register, make a purchase, or are simply signed in.
  • Uncanny Continuing Education Credits: Track, report on and award LearnDash certificates for completion of multiple courses or based on course credits.

Follow Uncanny Owl for updates about our latest LearnDash enhancements on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.


  1. Ensure that your installation of WordPress is using PHP 7.2 or higher and LearnDash 3.6 or higher.
  2. Upload the contents of the plugin zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


1. 15+ powerful modules

2. Fully-featured Front End Login module with modal support

3. LearnDash Resume Button module – works at a global or course level

Changelog [2022-11-23]


  • Resume button – Removed the “Completed course” check added in v3.6.4 #292


  • Resume button – Added a filter to optionally not show the button if the course is completed
    • apply_filters( 'uo_resume_button_do_not_show_for_completed_course', false, $ld_course_id )

3.6.4 [2022-11-22]


  • Show Certificates & Certificate Widget – Add support for Group Certificates #263
  • Resume module – New attribute show_name to display the name of the last LearnDash step in the Enhanced Course Grid module #256


  • Not enrolled Redirect URL – Prevent redirect caching – Utilize existing filter uncanny_toolkit_not_enrolled_redirect_nocache #250
  • 2FA – Show loading animation and disable button on submission #234
  • Front End Login – Add “Verify” and “Unverify” to Bulk action menu #194
  • Resume Button – Do not show resume button if the course is completed #261


  • Front-end login + WPML = get_posts not populating Login page dropdown in module settings #266
  • CSRF Vulnerability #259
  • Misc PHP warnings and validation Fixes #248
  • Frontend Login – Block redirect to external website #243
  • Automator notification – Buttons could not be clicked #239
  • Front End Login – Redirect conflicts between login page and login modal #230


  • Add support for number field in Settings fields #286
  • Try Automator – Branding updates #270
  • Show Automator plugin on Add New Plugin’s page #268
  • Add in-plugin notifications #265
  • Pro Upsell Modules – Add “Single Page Courses” #254
  • When activating/deactivating a module, the semi-transparent overlay doesn’t match the size of the module outline #184
  • Updated Gutenberg dependencies #288

3.6.3 [2022-06-16]


  • Show Certificates – New shortcode attributes to show/hide courses/quizzes certificate links #207
  • Front End Login – Password visibility toggle #159
  • Not Enrolled Redirect – Filter uncanny_toolkit_not_enrolled_redirect_nocache added to prevent redirect caching with nocache_headers() #209


  • Improved translation support #198
  • Improved PHP 8.1+ compatibility #173


  • Front End Login – WP2FA settings link broken #217
  • Front End Login – Typo in 2FA error message #190
  • Front End Login – WP2FA – Front-end ajax erroneously invoking 2FA when it’s not enabled #215
  • Show Certificates – Quiz certificate link issue missing time argument fixed #200


  • Update is_pro_active function #222
  • npm – Remove…