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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Developer's Custom Fields ===
Contributors: gyrus, adriantoll, saurabhshukla
Donate link:
Tags: admin, administration, custom, meta, page, pages, post, posts, attachments, custom fields, form, user, profile
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 5.1.1
Stable tag: 1.3.4

Provides developers with powerful and flexible tools for managing post and user custom fields.

== Description ==

**NOTE:** This plugin is still maintained and supported, but is disabled for new installations on, isn't being actively developed. Gutenberg is not supported - use Classic Editor if possible.

This plugin is aimed at plugin and theme developers who want a set of tools that allows them to easily and flexibly define custom fields for all post types, and for user profiles.

Full documentation at [](

Code on [GitHub](

Issue tracking on [GitHub](

Please note that this plugin isn't suitable for non-developers. It has been intentionally designed without a user interface for defining fields, and some aspects may be "unfriendly" to anyone not comfortable with hands-on WordPress development.

If you think this plugin doesn't quite suit your needs, there is a [comparison chart of similar plugins]( to find something that will!

== Installation ==
1. Upload the `developers-custom-fields` directory into the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Register your boxes and fields with `slt_cf_register_box` (full documentation at [](

== Getting started ==

Because this code began life just managing custom fields for posts by defining meta boxes for post edit screens, the basic unit here is "the box". However, a "box" can also refer to a section in the user profile screen, or on media attachment edit screens.

A box is defined containing one of more custom fields, each with their own settings. You set a box to be associated with posts (in the generic sense, including pages and custom post types!), users or attachments using the `type` parameter.

Say you've defined `film` as a Custom Post Type, and you want to create custom fields to set the director and writer for film posts. You would add something like this to your theme's functions.php (or indeed your plugin code):


	if ( function_exists( 'slt_cf_register_box') )
		add_action( 'init', 'register_my_custom_fields' );

	function register_my_custom_fields() {
		slt_cf_register_box( array(
			'type'		=> 'post',
			'title'		=> 'Credits',
			'id'		=> 'credits-box',
			'context'	=> 'normal',
			'priority'	=> 'high',
			'fields'	=> array(
					'name'			=> 'director',
					'label'			=> 'Director',
					'type'			=> 'text',
					'scope'			=> array( 'film' ),
					'capabilities'	=> array( 'edit_posts' )
					'name'			=> 'writer',
					'label'			=> 'Writer',
					'type'			=> 'text',
					'scope'			=> array( 'film' ),
					'capabilities'	=> array( 'edit_posts' )


Then, when you want to output these values in a loop:


	echo '<p>Director: ' . slt_cf_field_value( "director" ) . '</p>';
	echo '<p>Writer: ' . slt_cf_field_value( "writer" ) . '</p>';


This is just the beginning! Check the [documentation]( for registering boxes and fields, especially the parameters for fields. The most immediately interesting parameters for fields to check out are: `type`, `scope`, `options_type`.

There are some [option query placeholders](, for creating dynamic queries to populate select, radio and checkbox fields.

There are also a few [hooks]( If the plugin currently lacks something you need, odds are you'll be able to hack it using a hook!

If you create a plugin that is dependent on this plugin, use the `slt_cf_init` hook to intialize your plugin (see [this Trac comment](

Note that the internal Google Maps and file selection functionality is designed to be leveraged by theme options pages and other plugins.

Please raise any issues via [GitHub]( If you're not sure if you've found a genuine issue or not, please start a thread on the [WP forum](

**NOTE:** Some people have found...