Open Source
WordPress Development Toolkit
- Navigate to https://wp.docker/wp-admin/ (ask for login in main channel).
Download and clone this plugin (should NOT be run in production environments on high-traffic servers where
performance matters…) into the plugins dir. Do not try to upload the zip file into the Add New plugin uploader. This feature is not supported. - Navigate to Vanilla WP Network.
- Go to Plugins.
Activate the
WordPress Development Toolkit
plugin. - Go back to https://wp.docker/wp-admin/.
- Open Dev Toolkit from Admin Menu link.
- Click “Start New Plugin”.
How to fill out the New Plugin form:
- Click Generate New Plugin. This will deliver a new zip file. Check that your namespace has been correctly generated.
- Follow these instructions: https://github.com/WordPress-Phoenix/abstract-plugin-base#installation
UPDATING Lib files come from composer, but you need to ensure you run the command without the composer autoloader:
composer update --no-dev --no-autoloader
Offline Development Mode
The plugin uses the GitHub API to fetch the latest copy of the Abstract Plugin Base to include in the plugin. You can alternatively set:
define( 'WP_DEV_KIT_AIRPLANE_MODE', true )
to pull the ABP powering this plugin for internet-less development.