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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

WordPress Easy Custom Post Type

Easy to use tools for a robust WordPress custom post type setup.


via composer:

> composer require gebruederheitz/wp-easy-cpt

Make sure you have Composer autoload or an alternative class loader present.


Post Type abstract class

use GebruederheitzWordpressCustomPostTypePostType;
use GebruederheitzWordpressCustomPostTypePostTypeRegistrationArgs;

class NewsPostType extends PostType 
     * @required Supply a slug-type name which will be used in the DB amongst 
     *           other places 
    public static $postTypeName = 'news';
     * @required The name users will see 
    public static $prettyName = 'News';
     * @optional Where the metabox will appear: one of 'side', 'normal', 'advanced'
     * @default 'side'
    public static $context = 'normal';

     * @var bool Whether to use a Gutenberg editor and call the allowed block 
     *           types hook. Set to "false" by default, so if you don't need
     *           Gutenberg you can just leave this out.
    protected $withGutenberg = true;

     * @var bool Whether to load the media picker scripts on the edit page. 
     *           If you don't need to use a media picker, you can leave this
     *           bit out. 
    protected $withMedia = true;

     * @var array List of allowed block types if Gutenberg is enabled. If you
     *            did not set $withGutenberg to `true` you won't need this.
     *            Otherwise supply a string-array of block names 
     *            (e.g. `core/button`). 
    protected $allowedBlockTypes = [
     * @var string The translation domain to use for menu labels etc. 
     * If you are using the "ghwp" domain, you can skip this setting, otherwise
     * set it to your theme / plugin's i18n domain.
    protected $translationDomain = 'ghwp';
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // There are only two methods you need to define, and one you will want to
    // override:
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Renders the meta box for users to edit additional post type fields.
     * @return void
    public function renderMetabox() 
        /** @var WP_Post */
        global $post;
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // You could go old-school
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            <input name="postid" type="text" value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" />

        // or use a library like cmb2
        $metabox = new_cmb2_box([
            'id' => self::$postTypeName . 'something',
            'title' => 'Details',
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // or use the dependency-free MetaForms class and maybe even combine it
        // with the repository (more below)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        /** @var Newspost $news */
        $news = NewspostRepository::getInstance()->find($post->ID);

            'Tags (separate with semicolons)',

     * Handle the submission of user edited metadata.
     * @param WP_POST $post
     * @param array $data 
     * @return void
    public function savePostMeta($post, $data) 
        /** @var Newspost $news */
        $news = NewspostRepository::getInstance()->find($post->ID);

        $news->setTagsFromString($data[Newspost::tagMetaFieldName] ?? '');


     * The PostType class handles the registration for you. For easy access and
     * type definitions it uses the PostTypeRegistrationArgs configuration
     * object.
     * To modify the arguments passed to `register_post_type` you can override
     * the method editRegistrationArgs() and call the fluent setters on the
     * PostTypeRegistrationArgs object provided.

     * Modify the arguments for the post type's registration call.
    protected function editRegistrationArgs(PostTypeRegistrationArgs $args): PostTypeRegistrationArgs 
         // Setters in PostTypeRegistrationArgs can be chained:
         return $args;


Using the entity repository

The entity repository caches database calls for…