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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

WP Scaffolding Tool

A zero-configuration* scaffolding tool library built to be included in a WP-CLI package.


composer require wp-forge/wp-scaffolding-tool


Be sure that the type property in your composer.json file is set to wp-cli-package.
Autoload the file with the code below via Composer:


use WP_ForgeWP_Scaffolding_ToolPackage;

if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) {

if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ) ) {
	require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

new Package(
		'base_command'             => 'forge',
		'template_config_filename' => 'config.json',
		'project_config_filename'  => '.wp-forge-project.json', 
		'global_config_filename'   => '.wp-forge.json',
		'default_template_repo'    => '', 

The following values are meant to be customized for your specific use case:

  • base_command – The name of the base WP-CLI command. For example, a value of forge would result in available
    commands such as wp forge init and wp forge make.
  • template_config_filename – The name of the config file used in scaffolding templates. When scaffolding a new
    entity, this JSON file is read to determine the user prompts and resulting actions.
  • project_config_filename – The name of the project config file. This is generated when running the init
  • global_config_filename – The name of the global config file.
  • default_template_repo – The Git repository URL where the scaffolding templates are located.


All commands are self-documented by the tool. Simply type an available command followed by the --help flag for more
Get high-level documentation on available commands:

wp <base_command> --help

Get documentation for a specific command:

wp <base_command> <subcommand> --help

Available commands:

The repo Command


List all available template repositories:

wp <base_command> repo list


Clone a Git repository containing scaffolding templates so they will be locally available to
the tool.

wp <base_command> repo clone <repository_url>

When cloning a repository, you can optionally provide a name. This allows you to utilize multiple repositories
containing scaffolding templates from various sources. If you do not set a name, the system will use the name “default”

wp <base_command> repo clone <repository_url> --as=<name>


The link command registers a symlink to a local scaffolding template directory.
To create a new link, run:

wp <base_command> repo link ./path/to/templates --as=<name>


To update a repository that has already been cloned, run the following command where the name is the registered name
for the scaffolding repository (the default value is default):

wp <base_command> repo update <name>

Where name is the name used when running the repo clone subcommand.


To delete a locally cloned repository, run:

wp <base_command> repo delete <name>

Where name is the name used when running the repo clone subcommand.

The make Command

To scaffold using a template from a named repository, just prefix the entity name with your custom namespace.
For example, if you set the name to be company, and you wanted to scaffold a wp-plugin, then you would run this

wp <base_command> make company:wp-plugin

This will ensure that the repository containing the company templates will be checked for the wp-plugin scaffolding.
In the event that you have multiple template sources configured and the requested template cannot be found under the
requested namespace, the tool will ask you if you want to check the other template sources for that template.
You can also use a path to leverage templates found nested in other folders.

wp <base_command> make company:github-actions/lint-php

The above command would look in the ~/.wp-cli/templates/company folder for the template in
the github-actions/lint-php directory.

The init Command

The init command will ask a series of questions and generate a project configuration file.

wp <base_command> init

Data found in the project configuration file will be automatically loaded when a command is run within the project. If a
scaffolding template requests a specific piece of information and it can be found in the project config file, then the
user won’t see a prompt requesting that information.

The template Command


To list all available scaffolding templates, run:

wp <base_command> template list


To create a new scaffolding template in the current directory, run:

wp <base_command> template create

Note: This feature is experimental and is still in active development.

The config Command

All subcommands will accept the --global flag. When used, all commands will apply to the global config file.
Otherwise, all commands will apply to the project config file.


Create a new config file:

wp <base_command> config create [--global]

When used with the --global flag, an empty global…