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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Disable WP Toolbar Removal ===
Contributors: slangjis
Donate link:
Tags: admin-bar, adminbar, disable-admin-bar, disable-toolbar, disable-wordpress-admin-bar, disable-wordpress-toolbar, remove-admin-bar, remove-toolbar, remove-wordpress-admin-bar, remove-wordpress-toolbar, slangjis, toolbar
Stable tag: trunk
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 4.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

disable wordpress toolbar for all user roles remove frontend backend code reduce memory consumption speedup loading control panel removal wp plugin

== Description ==

disable wordpress toolbar for all user roles remove frontend backend code reduce memory consumption speedup loading control panel removal wp plugin clean dashboard menu for all subscribers. Is planned update for WordPress 3.8+ / 3.9+ / 4.0+ / 4.1+ / 4.2+ / 4.3+ compatibility? YES! The plugin that is updated, for now, is [WP Toolbar Removal](//

Please noted that External CSS Style and JS Script support fot Adaptive Dasboard is developed offline on [sLaNGjIs GitHub](// targeted for Version 2015.1231.2016 Build 2015/2016-12-31

Your updates is manual (for now) when is available upgraded releases!

Periodically, the files included in the plugin will be updated with new releases: you are advised to periodically download the updated package based on the build date rather than on its version.


1. Compatible with: WordPress, bbPress, Buddypress
1. Unified Coding to run with WordPress 3.1+ or later
1. Ready to Single and Network Multisite Environment
1. All in One Disabler and Remover
1. 28px Gap, Bump CB, Node, Shadow, Pointer, Profile, Code
1. The configuration of this plugin is Automatic!
1. Compatible with Shared, Dedicated, Cloud and VPS Hosting
1. Run on Hosting with high and low resources
1. Work under [GPLv2](// or later License
1. Implement [GNU style](// coding standard indentation
1. Meet detailed [Plugin Guidelines](// quality requirements


1. Remove WordPress 3.1+ (or later) Admin Bar
1. Remove WordPress 3.3+ (or later) Toolbar
1. Remove Frontend Bump CB
1. Remove Frontend "28px gap" on top of Site
1. Remove Backend DashBoard Admin Menu Shadow Effect
1. Remove Backend DashBoard Admin Bar/Toolbar Pointer (ToolTips)
1. Remove Backend "28px gap" on top of DashBoard for WP 3.3+ or later
1. Remove User Personal Options Settings "Show Admin Bar/Toolbar"
1. Hide Admin Icons in the Backend Menu (not on collapsed state)
1. Hide Admin Page Title Icons in the Backend DashBoard
1. Disable Admin Menu Hoverintent Handlers for the Bar and Menu
1. Add logout functionality on top of DashBoard for WP 3.3+ or later
1. Add Header and Footer Log
1. Show realtime datetime on top of DashBoard for WP 3.3+ or later

* Speedup Frontend Loading
* Speedup Backennd Loading
* Speedup DashBoard Loading
* Reduce Core Memory Consumption
* Reduce WordPress Memory Usage
* Free Unused Memory Load
* Less Plugin Memory Consumption
* Full Strict Security Rules Applied
* Handy Syntax Improvement
* Reduce Code Bloat
* Code Cleanup for faster loading
* Only one unique PHP file
* Supports PHP 4 and PHP 5

Nothing is written into space disk!
Nothing is written into wp_option database table!
No need to delete anything from hosting space when deactivate!
No need to delete anything from hosting space when deleted!
No need to delete anything from the database when deactivate!
No need to delete anything from the database when deleted!
No need to delete anything from the wp_option when deactivate!
No need to delete anything from the wp_option when deleted!
Not need other actions except installing or uninstall it!

Special Thanks to: [storkontheroof](// and [focus3d](//

Disable WP Admin Bar and Toolbar Removal from Home Page and DashBoard Clean Remove Code for all User Roles Loggedin and Loggedout Completely on WordPress 3.1+ or later plugin from Frontend, Backend, User Personal Options Settings, for Minimize Memory Consumption and Speed UP Loading of the Admin Control Panel, with New Unified Coding Approach and Without Loosing Log Out (one click) and Network MultiSite (Site Admin/Network Admin Link) Functionality! Hide: Frontend 28px GAP and Bump CB on Top of Site, Backend 28px GAP and Node/Group/Links, Howdy Message on Top of DashBoard, Admin Menu Shadow Effect and Bar Pointer ToolTips, add Realtime i18n Date/Time on Header. For Best Security the Name Showing on Header in the Nickname, not real Username, and Log Out Redirect to Home Page, not to a Login Page. The configuration of this Plugin is Automatic! The first and only Plugin (for now) that really work on WordPress 3.1+ or later

* [My Others WordPress Plugins](//
 * [WP Overview (lite)](//
 * [WP Missed Schedule](//
 * [Global Hide Toolbar](// (new)
 * [WP Admin Bar Removal](// Linked and reviewed at [](//
 * [WP Admin Bar Removal Node](//
 * [WP Toolbar Removal](// Linked and reviewed at [](//
 * [WP Toolbar Removal Node](//
 * [Noindex (login) WordPress Deindexing](// (refreshed)
 * [Noindex (total) WordPress Deindexing](// (refreshed)
 * [IE Enhancer and Modernizer](// Linked and reviewed at [](//
 * [Memory Load Consumption db size Usage Indicator](// (new)
 * [Header Footer Login Log](// Only For Developers (and advanced users)
 * [One Click Logout](// (new)
 * [One Click Logout Barless](// (new)

== Installation ==

before install this plugin, is reccomended, but is not needed, to unflag: personal options, show admin bar/toolbar, when viewing site/on dashboard

= How to install (manual) =
1. Download
2. Upload it into your plugins directory from Plugin Add Feature or FTP
3. Activate it

= How to install (auto) =
1. Search from Plugin Add Feature
2. Install it live directly from repository
3. Activate it

= How to uninstall =
1. Disable from Menu Plugins of Control Panel
2. Delete from Menu Plugins of Control Panel

= Installation Trick =
A neat trick is to put this single file (not its parent directory) in the wp-content/mu-plugins directory (create it if not exists) so you won't even have to enable it, it will be loaded by default.

= Troubleshooting =
If all else fails and your site is broken remove directly via ftp on your host space /home/your-wp-install-dir/wp-content/plugins/wp-toolbar-removal/

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

disable admin bar or toolbar on personal options turn off only theme integration but not remove code without minimizing memory consumption and speedup loading of control panel

[Goodbye Admin Bar, Hello Toolbar](// Posted on: January 13, 2012 by Jeff Starr

When the Admin Bar hit the streets in WordPress 3.1, people seemed to either love it or hate it. And rightly so, it was a significant change in the appearance of the WP Admin area, and if not disabled in your User Profile, the front-end of your site as well. Many tips, tricks and plugins for customizing the Admin Bar began appearing around the Web. And then just as the dust began to settle, BAM - the "Admin Bar" transforms into the "Toolbar" with the WordPress 3.3 update.

The WordPress 3.3 update focused heavily on streamlining and optimizing the Admin experience. The Admin Bar of WP 3.1 was intended as the "first step toward a front-end editor". The original Admin Bar was debated for several good reasons:

* Enabled on the front-end by default
* Gobbles up too much vertical screen space
* Redundant, all links available elsewhere
* Not visually appealing in general

Using the many Admin Bar tricks that became available around the Web, WordPress users dealt with the thing in their own way and moved on with their...