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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

WP Readme to Markdown

Convert WordPress Plugin Readme Files to GitHub Flavored Markdown.
The tool is built on the WP Readme to Markdown Library


  • Converts headings
  • Formats contributors, donate link, etc.
  • Inserts screenshots


# with files as params
wp2md -i readme.txt -o
# or with unix pipes
wp2md < readme.txt >


Composer (recommended)

Add a composer dependency to your project:

"require-dev": {
    "wpreadme2markdown/wp2md": "*"

The binary will be vendor/bin/wp2md

Download binary

You may install WP2MD binary globally

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/wp2md
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/wp2md

PHAR compilation

# install dependencies
composer install
# run pake build script
composer pake phar

Executable PHAR archive will be created as build/wp2md.phar

  • This assumes composer is installed as a package in your operating system.
    If not, replace composer with php command and your composer.phar location
    (i.e. php ../phars/composer.phar)

Web Version

Visit this GitHub page for the web version and a link to its running instance