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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

#WpDevTool – WordPress Developer Tool v0.1.1
A simple development tool for WordPress…
WpDevTool implements many useful functions for WordPress Developer such as:

  • Maintenance mode: Return a HTTP RESPONSE 503 (Service Temporary Unavailable) Under Maintenance landing page
  • Debug bar: A simple bar which show number of query, timing and memory of current page
  • Enable error display and logging: Now you can enable PHP errors diplay and logging without editing wp_config.php
  • Log console: A console to show WordPress Error Log
  • Email redirect: Redirect all WordPress emails to a single address
  • Wp-Cron manager: Visualisation, search and deletion of Wp-Cron
  • Permalinks viewer: Visualisation and search of Permalinks
  • wdt_dump(): A formatted version of var_dump()


  1. Upload WpDevTool folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

##Frequently Asked Questions

WpDevTool Errors Handling

WpDevTool can handle errors for you with the only downside that is fired at plugins activation. If you need a more complete logging and still use WpDevTool Error Console you can manually edit your wp-config.php file. Set WP_DEBUG constant to TRUE in your wp-config.php file and add the following lines of code right after :

if (WP_DEBUG) {
  define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
  define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);

##Support or Contact
Having trouble with WpDevTool? Open an issue or contact me at
Icon Credits goes to: miniMAC