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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: 123LinkIt
Tags: advertising, affiliate, affiliate marketing, affiliate plugin, affiliate widget, cj, commission junction, earn money, make money, monetization, referral links, text links, 123Linkit, 123 LinkIt, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blogger, LinkIt, affiliate tool
Requires at least: 2.8
Last updated: 07.20.2011
Tested up to: 3.2.1 
Stable tag: trunk

123LinkIt Affiliate Plugin - Generate money easily from your blog by transforming keywords into affiliate links.

== Description ==

The 123LinkIt plugin streamlines the affiliate marketing process by transforming brand names and product keywords into affiliate links. Just install the plugin, sync your posts and we’ll automatically add relevant, money-making affiliate links to your blog.

Links include Nofollow Tags - We defend your PageRank and ensure you don't get penalized by search engines with nofollow tags that are automatically added to your affiliate links.

Affiliate Masking - We automatically create clean and professional looking redirects that increase your conversion rates and protect you from affiliate theft (E.g.

Stats & Reporting - Receive in-depth reporting so you know EXACTLY what blog posts and advertisers are working best for you, allowing you to fine-tune your future posts and capitalize on the best performing content.

Access to Commission Junction's Advertisers - With almost 1000 CJ advertisers and more added every day; our software provides you with an increased reach to ensure the most relevant affiliate links and deals are available for your selection.

Saves Real Estate on Your Blog - Forget about the banner ads, contextual ads or annoying pop-ups. Our software integrates affiliate links right into your text to provide a seamless experience for your readers.

Cash Back Program - Not only do we pay the highest commission payout anywhere at 85%, we also put an additional 5% toward marketing your blog and sending new users directly to your best and highest performing blog posts.

This plugin is compatible with plugin versions 2.8.0 and up.  It is NOT compatible with BuddyPress or versions below 2.8.0.

== Installation ==

Installing our affiliate plugin takes less than one minute by following the 3 steps below: 

1. Download and install the plugin to /wp-content/plugins/

2. Create an account or login

3. In your WordPress blog, go to the 123LinkIt tab (under Dashboard) to synchronize your posts and get started.

Note: The plugin automatically syncs modified posts and newly launched posts thereafter.
You’re now ready to go! Have a question? Click on our Contact us page or visit our GetSatisfaction Community to get help. Also, make sure to stay in touch to receive our latest updates through Facebook and Twitter.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

What is 123LinkIt?
123LinkIt allows bloggers to streamline the affiliate marketing process by analyzing their content and transforming relevant keywords and product links into affiliate links. 

How does 123LinkIt work?
With a simple WordPress plug-in, 123Linkit easily integrates with your blog. First, the plugin analyzes and extracts the most relevant product keywords. It matches those keywords to the appropriate affiliate links and transforms them into regular hyperlinks – so bloggers don’t have to worry about annoying pop-up or hover ads.7

How does 123LinkIt make money?
It’s free to sign-up and to use our services. We only make money when the blogger makes money. Our model is performance-based and we retain fifteen percent of the commissions paid using the affiliate links our tools generate.

What if I already belong to affiliate networks?
There's no need to close your account and you can use our plug-in in conjunction with affiliate ads you already have on your site. Our affiliate plugin helps bloggers find opportunities and links they may have missed.

How will payments be processed?
Our current payment methods include Check, Debit Card and Direct Deposit. You will receive an email after you’ve accumulated $25 in your account which will require you to setup your PayQuicker account. Payments are sent on the last day of the every month via the payment method you selected.

For other FAQ questions, visit our site at

== Screenshots ==

Visit our homepage for more info at

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.1 =
* fixed bug with pagination on home/archive pages
* streamlined the signup process for new users a bit

= 1.3 =
* major refactor
 * bug fixes

= 1.2 =
* major update release
* targeted to mom bloggers

= 1.1 =
* major update release
* Instant automation of affiliate links with new dashboard interface
* Users can log in or create new account within plugin
* Added Stats, 123Linkit Challenge, Bug Report, Reset Plugin, notification bar

= 0.5 =
*  plugin now uses tracker on and does not mess links around

= 0.4 =
* plugin added to pages
* plugin now shows by default in the centre

= 0.3 =
*  Architectural improvements - will allow us to do more things without updating the plugin

= 0.2 =
* Huge improvements
* cloaking links
* new UI
* automatically add links to post
* repeating links

= 0.1.11 =
* No more CURL
* javascript moved to

= 0.1.9 =
* Resolved some more bugs
* plugin not working unless tinyMCE is active (does not work when WP goes directly to HTML tab)
* waiting gearbox showing while processing a request

= 0.1.8 =
* Resolved JS Error

= 0.1.5 =
* Removed Copy Link column and added URL to advertiser URL field to make it easier to copy. 

= 0.1.4 =
* Added new description with more details, fixed links bug.

=0.0.1-Alpha release-this is the first version of the plugin and some problems will arise. Please contact us anytime with questions or to report bugs. We're committed to making continously improving this plugin and adding new features so please send in your feedback and ideas too.

== Upgrade Notice ==

No Upgrade Notices