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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== ACF Tooltip ===
Contributors: tmconnect
Donate link:¤cy_code=EUR
Tags: acf, acfpro, advanced custom fields, instructions, tooltip 
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Displays ACF field instructions as tooltips

== Description ==

If an ACF field requires a longer instruction text, the layout of the edit screen is messy and a lot of space is wasted.

The ACF Tooltip plugin hides the field instructions, adds a help symbol to the field labels and generates a tooltip based on the instruction text.

= Custom settings =

There are 7 filters that allow adjusting the design and the behavior of the tooltips.

**This plugin works only with the [ACF PRO]( (version 5.5.0 or higher).**

= Localizations =
* English
* Deutsch

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `acf-tooltip` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Done!

== Custom settings  with filter hooks ==

There are 7 filters that allow adjusting the design and the behavior of the tooltips can be adjusted.

= Set the design of the tooltips =
function acf_tooltip_style() {

	return $style;
add_filter('acf/tooltip/style', 'acf_tooltip_style');

The available styles can be found on the [qTip options page]( and are shown on the [qTip demo site](

You can mix the styles; e.g. "qtip-acf qtip-rounded qtip-shadow"

If you like, you can define your own style, with the class name of your style from your own CSS file (see next filter).

The qtip-acf style is the standard style, which is set without a filter.

= Define your own CSS file =

function acf_tooltip_css() {
	$css_file = get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/qtip-own.css'; // if the file is saved in your themes folder

	return $css_file;
add_filter('acf/tooltip/css', 'acf_tooltip_css');

You will find a 'qtip-example-style.css' in the '/assets/css' folder.

= Positioning the corner of the tooltip =

function acf_tooltip_position_my() {
	$position_my = 'center left';

	return $position_my;
add_filter('acf/tooltip/position/my', 'acf_tooltip_position_my');

= Position in relation to the tooltip icon =

function acf_tooltip_position_at() {
	$position_at="center right";

	return $position_at;
add_filter('acf/tooltip/position/at', 'acf_tooltip_position_at');

Check out the [qTip demo site]( to find your perfect positioning.

= Apply tooltips only to fields with specific class =

function acf_tooltip_class() {
	$class="with__tooltip"; // edit this to your prefered class name

	return $class;
add_filter('acf/tooltip/class/only', 'acf_tooltip_class');

Add the class to the fields where you want to show tooltips.

= Exclude tooltips on fields with specific class =

function acf_tooltip_class_exclude() {
	$class="no__tooltip"; // edit this to your prefered class name

	return $class;
add_filter('acf/tooltip/class/exclude', 'acf_tooltip_class_exclude');

Add the class to the fields where you *don't* want to show tooltips.

= Add tooltips to the Field Editor =

With this filter, you can specify whether the instructions in the Field Editor are displayed as tooltips as well. By default, the instructions are displayed.

add_filter('acf/tooltip/fieldeditor', '__return_true');

== Screenshots ==

1. ACF Tooltip in standard mode

== Changelog ==

= v1.0.0 =
* Initial release of this plugin, tested and stable.