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App hosting


App hosting


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1 worker unit, hostname
  • Pros: Auto scaling, Deploy with git, One of few PaaS for .NET apps
  • Limitations: No custom domain on free tier


Product page

  • Free tier: 750 hours/month of t2.micro instances
  • Limitations: Expires 12 months after sign-up

Azure App Service

Pricing page

  • Free tier: 10 applications, 1 shared core, 1GB RAM and 1GB storage per application
  • Pros: Supports .NET, easy publishing directly from Git/GitHub/Bitbucket
  • Limitations: Cumulative limit for CPU (60 minutes allowed every 24 hours), No uptime SLA, No custom domain, No SSL


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 2340 shared CPU hours per month, 160GB outbound bandwidth per month (unlimited inbound), Unlimited IPv6 and 1 IPv4 Anycast IPs per active app, 10 active certificates per app
  • Limitations: No uptime SLA, No web app (access through CLI only)


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1 shared node and 1 worker at max, 100MB storage, 1GB bandwidth/month, Custom domains
  • Pros: Supports .NET (4.6), PHP (5.3-5.5) and Node.js apps, MSSQL and MySQL databases, Easy publishing over FTP, WebDeploy or directly from Git/GitHub/Bitbucket
  • Limitations: Cumulative limits for CPU (60 minutes allowed every 24 hours) and RAM (256MB allocated every hour), 1GB bandwidth allowd every 24 hours, 250 concurrent connections, No SSL support, only 32bits processes
  • Exceeding the free tier: If CPU usage, RAM usage or bandwidth consumed reaches the limit within its timefame, the application goes offline until the counter resets


Pricing page

  • Free tier: Instantly deployed Node.js app with collaboration tool, 1000 project hours, 4000 requests/hour, 512MB ram, 200MB disk excluding node_modules, Custom domain
  • Pros: Based on Node.js, Online editor with real time collaboration, Live redeploy, Great for prototyping and collaboration
  • Limitations: Free tier instances will sleep after 5 mins of inactivity but will turn on when someone accesses the website

Google App Engine

Product page

  • Free tier: 28 instance hours/day, 1GB outbound bandwidth/day, 1GB inbound bandwidth/day, 5GB Cloud storage, Shared memcache, 1000 search operations per day, 10MB search indexing, 100 emails per day
  • Pros: Managed, Autoscaling, Works well with other Google Cloud features (load balancing, datastores, etc.), Multiple languages supported
  • Limitations: Free tier only applies to a standard environment which supports Python, Java, PHP and Go

Google Compute Engine

Product page

  • Free tier: 1 f1-micro instance per month (US regions only), 30GB-months HDD, 5GB-months snapshot, 1GB network egress from North America to all region destinations per month (excluding China and Australia)
  • Pros: Works well with other Google Cloud features (load balancing, datastores, etc.)
  • Limitations: Limited to US region only for now

IBM Cloud

Pricing page

  • Free tier: 512MB/month
  • Pros: Can deploy multiple smaller instance for free for a total of 512MB (4x128MB, 2x256MB…), Supports multiple languages (Java, JS, Go, PHP, Python Ruby), Supports containers


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 2 nano services, 1vCPU per service, 256MB of RAM per service, 2.5GB SSD per service, 100GB outbound bandwidth (unlimited inbound)
  • Pros: Native autoscaling, Intuitive web interface and CLI, Deploy with Git, Edge CDN, Cron background tasks, Good observability, Supports containers
  • Limitations: Custom domains not supported yet, Websockets not supported yet, No uptime SLA on free tier.


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 100GB bandwidth per month, 1 concurrent build, 300 build minutes/month, 125000 serverless function invocations per month, 100 form submissions per month, 1000 active Identity users per month, 2500 large media transformations per month
  • Pros: Deploy with Git, Edge CDN
  • Limitations: No site analytics on free tier


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1 project, 2GB memory, 2GB storage, no custom domain
  • Pros: Gears can be used to deploy apps in a lot of languages and/or databases, Many deployment templates are provided
  • Limitations: Deployment requires installation of OpenShift app, Idle apps take longer to load (>30s)


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 2 Compute(AMD) Micro instances (1/8th OCPU, 1GB memory each), Ampere A1 Compute(Arm) instances (4 OCPUs and 24GB of memory that you can allocate flexibly), 20TB outbound bandwidth (unlimited inbound) Read more
  • Pros: Free forever virtual machines
  • Limitations: OS selection restricted to Oracle Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Ubuntu


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 512MB RAM, 1 vCPU
  • Pros: Always online, Unlimited build minutes
  • Limitations: No uptime SLA on free tier


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1GB memory per container, Shared CPU, 1GB disk usage (10GB hard limit), 100GB outbound bandwidth (unlimited inbound). Read more
  • Pros: You can have your app and database on the same platform and run both of them for free, see for database hosting
  • Limitations: Only 99% uptime SLA, 3 projects, 2 plugins per project, 2 environments per project, 3 live deploys per environment


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 100GB bandwidth per month, 100GB-Hours serverless function execution, 1000 image optimizations, Unlimited serverless function invocations, 100000 edge function invocations, 6000 build minutes/month, 1 concurrent build, 50 domains per project, 3 projects per git repository, 100 deployments per day, 12 serverless functions written in Node.js, Go, Python and Ruby
  • Pros: Deploy with git, Edge CDN, Preview deployments, Next.js API endpoints are converted to serverless functions automatically. Also see for static hosting
  • Limitations: No uptime SLA on free tier, Free tier does not allow commercial usage, observability is limited, Free tier has limited analytics