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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Tooltipy (KTTG) ===
Contributors: lebleut
Tags: inline, responsive, tooltips, tooltip, highlight, widget, image, style, keyword, post, page, glossary, localization, description, definition, term, word, interactive, link, wpml
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 3.3.5
License: GPLv2 or later
Donate Link:

Tooltipy (Keywords tooltip generator) allows you to highlight the keywords in your content in order to show a responsive description tooltip

== Description ==

* This plugin allows you automatically create responsive tooltip boxes for your technical keywords in order to explain them for your site visitors making surfing more comfortable.
* With shortcode Glossary [kttg_glossary]

> #### DEMO
> * [Live DEMO](
> * [Admin Live DEMO]( 
* user 		: demo
* password 	: demo


= Premium =
* [Buy Now](

= Check How to add a keyword with KTTG on this 2 minutes video. =

= New Features =
* Multi CSS classes added to keywords and popups so you can easily style you keywords (you can style a specific keyword, keywords from a specific catégorie -family- or a keyword depending on if it contains youtube video or not...)
* v3.0 keywords appear anywhere on your site not only on the post content, on heders footers and even in widgets
* Now it works with Japanese and Chinese languages thanks to [Plugmon](
* KTTG is now responsive (for devices lesst then 400px)
* new click method trigger
* Custom glossary link page label
* New glossary : content is listed under the keywords (thanks for [KaiserSoze13]( )
* Now you are able to generate shortcodes on the tooltips, thanks to [ColumbusCook](

= Features =
* v3.0 keywords appear anywhere on your site not only on the post content, on heders footers and even in widgets
* Several Animations provided (on settings page) thanks to [Animate.css](
* Supports Unicode characters (Arabic, Russian ...)
* Bugs fixed (apostrophe issue, error messages ...)
* Glossary page new settings (keywords per page, labels ...)
* Tooltip width setting
* Close button tooltip
* v2.5 is made for the pro addon version (video tooltips, woocommerce support, bbpress support, and much more)
* Dotted style is now available for keywords (from v2.1.8)
* It's very simple: After installing and activating the plugin you only need to add your keywords (KeyWord, description, image) the rest is magic
* From the settings Customize the style of the tooltips depending on the color scheme of your site
* The widget will display the list of keywords related to the current post on your sidebar
* Decide if you want to apply the plugin for posts and/or pages
* Case insensitive fetch
* A list of related keywords will be updated after each post/keyWord manipulation
* allow to choose to Match all occurrences or once in the same post from the settings page
* activate or desactivate a specific post being matched by keywors
* list excluded posts in a new tab in the admin setting page
* supports synonyms
* related posts metaBox in the Keyword edit page
* keywords in concern metaBox in the post edit page
* Keywords Converter tool (nemu : Tools -> KTTG Converter), allows you to import keywords from third party plugins adding them to your glossary
* Style settings (real time preview)
* Checkbox to add or remove background color
* images tooltip with the 'alt' property in content (v2.1.5)
* Glossary support ShortCode [kttg_glossary]
* Support case sensitive (as a metabox)
* match all synonyms when check match once
* Tooltip Positions setting provided (Top, Bottom, Right, Left)
* New Setting show/hide a link to the glossary page

= Languages =

The plugin is available in these languages :

* English - [Jamel Zarga]( my self :)
* French (fr_FR) - [Jamel Zarga](
* German (de_DE) - [Michael Padilla](
* Arabic (ar) - [Jamel Zarga](
* Dutch (nl_NL) - [Kees Hessels](
* Turkish (tr_TR) - Eyyüp Güner
* Italian (it_IT) - [Genioallopera](
* Spanish (es_ES) - Andrew Kurtis - [](

= ScreenShots =

* [Screenshots Here](

= Support =
* [Support](

== Installation ==

1. Download the plugin and install it
1. Activate the plugin
1. A new Menu (My KeyWords) appears in your left side on the admin page
1. Start creating your own key words
1. The hole content will be affected on your site.

== Screenshots ==
1. Mobile friendly tooltip
2. Desktop tooltip
3. Add a new KeyWord description
4. Glossary ShortCode support [kttg_glossary]
5. Style customization
6. Style preview
7. Settings
8. Widget
9. Excluded Posts list
10. My Keywords List
11. Glossary settings page

== Changelog ==
= 3.3.5 =
* Pro features demo added (Advanced tab)

= 3.3.4 =
* Mobile friendly layout
* Close button new design
* Youtube video fits 100% in width fixed

= 3.3.3 =
* space bug fixed
*  and  shortcodes loads as expected now

= 3.3.2 =
* Now you can filter keywords list by family (category)
* fix widget classes for keywords

= 3.3.1 =
* New glossary link setting for tooltip footer
* New glossary thumbnail setting for glossary page (show thumbnail or no)

= 3.3 =
* multi CSS classes added to keywords and popups so you can easily style you keywords

= 3.1.2 =
* fix asian languages special caracters separtor

= 3.1.1 =
* Header and nav tegs are now excluded from being fetched
* space bug fixed
* bugs fixed
* thanks to [Alrik Gadkowsky]( for contributing on tooltipy

= 3.1 =
* KTTG is now Tooltipy
* Change web Site to
* tooltipy now supports any post type

= 3.0 =
* Truely a new version (keywords appear anywhere on your site not only on the post content, on headers footers and even in widgets)
* To control keywords appearance you can enver return to the previous version (v2.6.6) or get the pro version for funny features

= 2.6.6 =
* Now it works with Japanese and Chinese thanks to [plugmon](

= 2.6.5 =
* Custom glossary link page label

= 2.6.4 =
* KTTG is now responsive (for devices lesst then 400px)
* new click method trigger

= 2.6.3 =
* New glossary : content is listed under the keywords (thanks KaiserSoze13)

= =
* hide title option fixed

= =
* bugs fixed and new pro setting added and German language added

= 2.6.2 =
* Now you are able to generate shortcodes on the tooltips thanks to [ColumbusCook](

= 2.6.1 =
* Several Animations provided

= 2.6.0 =
* Supports Unicode characters (Arabic, Russian ...)
* Bugs fixed (apostrophe issue, error messages ...)
* Glossary page new settings (keywords per page, labels ...)
* Tooltip width setting
* Close button tooltip

= 2.5.7 =
* Animation on tooltip show
* new setting : tooltip width
* glossary shows only matched keywords characters

= 2.5.6 =
* Optimization load time - can't specifie desired keywords in a post to exclude from matching anymore
* fix glossary letters links
* glossary next and previous links stylable and translatable
* by default no more border-radius tooltip style

= 2.5.3 =
* BugFix: ignore the more tag on content thanks to Augusto Simao

= 2.5.2 =
* BugFix: archieve pages display

= 2.5.1 =
* BugFix: load video onpro version

= 2.5 =
* v2.5 is made for the pro addon version (video tooltips, woocommerce support, bbpress support, and much more)

= =
* New Setting show/hide a link to the glossary page
* Add classes to glossary header and content

= 2.4.9 =
* Tooltip Positions setting provided (Top, Bottom, Right, Left)

= 2.4.8 =
* Hide tooltip title setting aded
* Better Glossary layout with Pagination

= 2.4.7 =
* Support case sensitive (as a metabox)
* match all synonyms when check match once
* shadow color fixed

= 2.4.6 =
* New tooltip display layout
* Fix matching (keywords at the begining)
* Turkish translation available
* Translation update

= 2.4.5 =
* Template for keywords are now available (you can now view the keyword page on your site)
* Untitled keywords will not be matched to avoid problems

= 2.4 =
* First version adapted to deal with addon pro version

= 2.3.4 =
* Bug on saving Fixed

= 2.3.2 =
* Bugs Fixed

= 2.3.1 =
* Tooltip content is more flexible

= 2.3 =