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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress

Calendar Event Sync

An Outlandish Plugin

This plugin adds a WP-CLI command to authenticate with a Google Calendar
and sync events from it to your WordPress instance; storing them as posts
with a post_type of event.
It uses WordPress actions to allow you to hook into this process and add
any additional metadata to each event that you would like.


To install this plugin you will need to use composer to install it from
packagist using the following command

composer require outlandish/calendar-event-sync

You can now enable this plugin in your WordPress Admin.

Basic Usage

Setting the Google Cloud project

To begin using this plugin to sync Google Calendar Events, you will
need to create a Google Cloud project with access to the Google Calendar
API. You can create one from this page:
You will need to create this project with the Google account you intend to sync
the calendar items with, as a Google Cloud project that hasn’t gone through a review
process and been made public can only access resources for the account that it
was created with.
After creating the Cloud Platform project download the client configuration details,
and keep them for later.

Setting up the WordPress project

You’ll want to add some new constants to your wp-config.php file (or if you are
using roots/bedrock to your config/application.php file). The constants that you
must set are


are all provided to you in the credentials.json file that you downloaded when you
created the Google Cloud Project in the previous step. The GOOGLE_CALENDAR_ID will
be the email address of the Google Account that you created the Google Cloud project
with (or if your project has been reviewed and published can be any email address).
You will need to have access to the Google Account that owns this Calendar when
authenticating to allow the plugin to download events from the calendar.

Authenticating on the command line

To authenticate the plugin to access the calendar of your Google Account, run the following
command using wp-cli

wp events auth

This will output a url that you should open in a browser. It will ask you to log in with a
Google Account, and then ask you to provide the project with access to your calendar.
Once you have gone through this process, you will be presented with an Authentication Code,
which you copy and then run the following command

wp events auth <auth-code>

Passing the Authentication Code as the argument to the previous command will start the process
of fetching an Access Token from Google and then storing that Access Token in the WordPress
You should now be able to run the command to fetch events from the calendar and store them
to your WordPress instance as posts.

wp events sync

Once the command has finished it will report a successful import and tell you in the command
line output how many events were fetched and how many were stored.
If you run the same command again, you will see that while 300 events were fetched, no events
should have been stored. This is because before storing an event, it will check if one
already exists with the Google Calendar Event Id.

Viewing your events

This plugin doesn’t register the an Events custom post type with WordPress, so if you would
like to view the posts that were created by the plugin you will need to do that for your
WordPress project separately. However, as long as you create a custom post type with the
post_type of event you will be able to see all the data that was saved.
By default the only data about the Google Calendar Event that the plugin will save
is the Summary of the event (which it saves as the title of the post), and the ID
of the event (which it saves both as post metadata and as the slug of the post). Of
course, this isn’t very useful, so you will want to do a little more, which you
can find out more about in Advanced Usage below

Advanced Usage

By default the Google Calendar Event only stores the bare minimum it needs to save the
event as a WordPress post. It does this, as it does not want to assume anything about
the way that you want to store your event data.

Adding more metadata

You can add additional metadata from the Google Calendar event to the WordPress post,
by adding a new function to your theme and calling it during the outlandish/calendar-sync/adding-event
action that is defined in the plugin
For example the following code could be placed in your functions.php and would
store the description, start time and end time of the event as metadata on the

use OutlandishCalendarEventSyncCalendarEventSyncPlugin;
use OutlandishCalendarEventSyncModelsExternalEvent;

add_action(CalendarEventSyncPlugin::STORE_EVENT_ACTION, function (ExternalEvent $event) {
    if ($event->savedToWordPress()) {
        add_post_meta($event->getPostId(), 'event_description', $event->getDescription());
        add_post_meta($event->getPostId(), 'event_start', $event->getStartTime()->getTimestamp());
        add_post_meta($event->getPostId(), 'event_end', $event->getEndTime()->getTimestamp());
}, 20);

Or if you are using ACF and have defined some custom fields of your own

use OutlandishCalendarEventSyncCalendarEventSyncPlugin;
use OutlandishCalendarEventSyncModelsExternalEvent;

add_action(CalendarEventSyncPlugin::STORE_EVENT_ACTION, function (ExternalEvent $event) {
    if ($event->savedToWordPress()) {
        update_field('event_description', $event->getDescription(), $event->getPostId());
        update_field('event_start', $event->getStartTime()->getTimestamp(), $event->getPostId());
        update_field('event_end', $event->getEndTime()->getTimestamp(), $event->getPostId());
}, 20);

The timing for when your action is run (in our example this is set to 20), is very important.
The saving of the WordPress post is run at 10, so if you set your action hook to run at
10 or less, you will be acting on the ExternalEvent before it has been turned into a
WordPress post and won’t be able to save any metadata about the event.

Replacing the default behaviour

You might not like the way that the Google Calendar Event is stored, and you can use
the remove_action method to remove the default behaviour and replace it with your own.
By default the WordPress post is created at time 10, and then later updated to be published
at time 50.
To stop Events from being published by default you can use the following code snippet

    [CalendarEventSyncPlugin::class, 'publishEvent'], 

Note that when doing this, you need to specify the same timing (the third argument
to the function) as was specified when the action you are removing was added. This will
now stop events from being published after they are created. You could then replace this
behaviour with some other logic about what events get automatically published and which
ones don’t.
To stop Events from being saved altogether, so that you can save them with a different
post_type (for example), you will want to run the following snippet

    [CalendarEventSyncPlugin::class, 'defaultStoreStrategy'], 

You can then define your own storage strategy like so

use OutlandishCalendarEventSyncCalendarEventSyncPlugin;
use OutlandishCalendarEventSyncModelsExternalEvent;

add_action(CalendarEventSyncPlugin::STORE_EVENT_ACTION, function (ExternalEvent $event) {
    if ($event->getSummary() === 'Only store this event') { //only store the event if this is true
        $id = wp_insert_post([
            'post_title' => $event->getSummary(),
            'post_type' => 'calendar_event', // a custom post_type here
            'post_status' => 'draft',
            'post_name' => $event->getId()
        add_post_meta($id, 'event_description', $event->getDescription());
        add_post_meta($id, 'event_start', $event->getStartTime()->getTimestamp());
        add_post_meta($id, 'event_end', $event->getEndTime()->getTimestamp());

        //always do this code
        add_post_meta($id, CalendarEventSyncPlugin::EXTERNAL_EVENT_ID_KEY, $event->getId());
}, 10);


Tests have been written with the use of humanmade/plugin-tester docker image in mind.
To run the project’s tests run composer install to install the plugin’s dependencies,
and then run

docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/code" humanmade/plugin-tester --testsuite=Unit

This will run all tests defined in the Unit testsuite and output the results.

This plugin expects pconv to be installed when running the tests for code
coverage results. If you do not have this installed on your local version of
php, you can run composer install --ignore-platform-reqs to install required
packages without needing for pcov to be installed.

Test Coverage

When you run the tests you will also produce an HTML report that will appear in
reports/coverage which will provide you with information about the code that
is covered by the tests.