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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== iCopyright Toolbar ===
Contributors: iCopyright Inc.
Tags: ads, advertising, article tools, attribution, copyright, creative commons, curate, curation, curation tools, content distribution, icopyright, infringement, license, licensing, monetization, monetize, network, piracy, publish, publishing, reblog, repost, re-use, reprints, republish, republish network, republishing network, repubHub, reuse, Share, sharing, syndicate, syndication
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag: 2.5.7

Find current articles from leading publishers and websites. Republish them with one click. Plus, syndicate and monetize your own content.

== Description ==

The iCopyright Toolbar adds a Republish option to your Posts menu where you can search for news items and monitor topics relevant to your site and republish them. It also adds a Republish button to your articles and feeds them into the network for others to discover and license.

With the iCopyright Toolbar plugin, you can:

* Search for and monitor articles by leading publishers on topics of interest to your readers
* Republish them legally with just one click directly from your Posts menu
* Get alerts when new articles on your topics are available for republication
* Syndicate and monetize your content with a Republish button that feeds your content into iCopyright's repubHub portal for others to discover and republish.

The powerful iCopyright Toolbar lets you do it all.

*Welcome to the iCopyright republishing network!*

== Installation ==

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for "iCopyright"
  3. Click "Install Now" and then "OK"
  4. Click "Activate Plugin"
  5. Click "Agree" to indicate acceptance of terms of use
  6. Review the default settings and make any changes you wish

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please visit for an up-to-date list of FAQs.

== Screenshots ==

1. A portion of the administrative settings page
2. The article tools automatically placed on a post
3. An example of the print services dialog

== Changelog ==

= 2.5.7 =
1. Minor text tweaks and fixed typos.
2. Link to new video.
3. Exclude authors/categories section is now scrollable if the list is long.
4. Fixed a bug with exclude authors that included "admin".

= 2.5.6 =
1. Added new tutorial videos to the settings page.
2. Added forgot password links to settings page.
3. Fixed an error with SimpleXMLElement::count() 
4. Fixed an issue with some radio buttons not working in Settings page in safari.

= 2.5.5 =
1. Updated tabs to refresh on a more regular basis.
2. Added the ability to refresh an individual tab.
3. Can now specify if you would like an rss feed in the Edit Topic page.
4. New links to RSS/HTML feeds of topics.
5. Updating global settings will now refresh all tabs.
6. Edit search is now done in a pop-up box.

= 2.5.4 =
1. Fixed an issue with Global Settings throwing an error after saving.

= 2.5.3 =
1. Fixed toolbars not showing up in Settings page.

= 2.5.2 =
1. New search box for quicker searches.
2. Can now filter results using the publication dropdown.
3. Can now filter results using the date range dropdown.
4. Can search by author and publication name.
5. Clicking on an author or publication name will do a search for that author/publication.
6. Pagination in search results and recent headlines.
7. New Global Settings button to set up exclusions. 
8. New delete button on tabs.
9. New ability to save a search and get email notifications.
10. Email notifications default to NEVER.

= 2.5.1 =
1.  Fixed issue with success message showing up multiple times.

= 2.5.0 =
1. Updated plugin to work when plugin is installed in sub-folder.
2. Minor changes to static file links.

= 2.4.9 =
1. Fixed an issue with code showing up in excerpts.
2. Default option for display on multiple posts is now "Nothing".
3. Moved deactivation/uninstall code to new uninstall.php file.

= 2.4.8 =
1. Fixed the toolbar not showing up on posts for people with the WordPress SEO plugin.

= 2.4.7 =
1. Added admin account to the list of authors in the exclude list.
2. Fixed an issue with exclude list not being properly set upon activation
3. Fixed some spacing issues

= 2.4.6 =
1. Fixed an issue with aligned images not aligning when republished.

= 2.4.5 =
1. You can now exclude posts by author and category from having the tools displayed and be searchable.

= 2.4.4 =
1. Fixed bug with activation of previous version.

= 2.4.3 =
1. Fixed a bug with double images showing up for images with query strings appended to them.

= 2.4.2 =
1. Fixed a bug with double images showing up in embed when setting a featured image for a
   post, and inserting that same image into the body of the post.
2. New option to not display article tools on your site.  New posts will be automatically
   added to the repubHub engine as long as "Searchable" is selected.
3. Selected categories not only determine what posts have the article tools displayed, but
   also determine whether or not the article are searchable on repubHub.

= 2.4.1 =
1. Featured images are now included in republished content

= 2.4 =
1. Republish page now displays recent headlines
2. Performance improvements
3. Terms of Use statement on publish
4. Minor bug fixes

= 2.3 =
1. Miscellaneous bugfixes

= 2.2 =
1. Include introductory settings video
2. Improve themeing of admin pages for narrow resolutions

= 2.1 =
1. Improve performance of Republish page
2. Modify format of clips and topics
3. Minor bugfixes and usability improvements

= 2.0 =
1. Adds a Republish option to your Posts menu that allows you to republish content to your site for free
   from many leading publishers with a single click.
2. Add excerpt, if any, as deckheader of reused content

= 1.10.2 =
1. Bug fix for registering when using multisite

= 1.10.1 =
1. Do not display article tools on content

= 1.10 =
1. Pricing optimizer to set prices
2. Proper sync with server-side settings
3. Minor bug fixes
4. Minor usability fixes

= 1.9.3 =
1. Minor settings usability tweaks
2. Minor bug fixes

= 1.9.2 =
1. Include link directly to pricing optimizer
2. Use country pulldown in registration step

= 1.9.1 =
1. Improve settings migration 

= 1.9 =
1. Use feed API for system link
2. Favor WordPress HTTP API over curl
3. Use Settings API for options
4. Use nonces with form submissions
5. Code cleanup

= 1.8 =
(Not released)

= 1.7.2 =
1. Fix bug in rendering link buttons
2. Style change so onebutton stands out more

= 1.7.1 =
1. Minor doc fix

= 1.7 =
1. New single-graphic article tools format
2. Improved admin UI with links to Conductor console
3. Minor bug fixes and tweaks

= 1.6.2 =
1. Allow users to update address from plugins page
2. More explicit terms of use OK
3. Add warning message if iCopyright system cannot communicate with plugin
4. Use publication from iCopyright settings for interactive copyright notice
5. Minor bug fixes

= 1.6.1 =
1. Fix bug in common library for calculation of error code
2. Do not display confusing welcome message if autoregistration fails
3. Only test com link if publication has been registered

= 1.6 =
1. Automatic registration on activation
2. Form fields to update account information added to admin settings page
3. Better error messages on problems
4. Add warning if iCopyright servers cannot connect properly
5. Add ability to change feed URL in advanced settings

= 1.5.5 =
1. Default display on page to true
2. Add screenshots to package

= 1.5.4 =
1. Minor code cleanups, standardize spelling, etc.
2. Add switch for applying to pages vs. posts

= 1.5.3 =
1. Minor documentation fix

= 1.5.2 =
1. Fix bug in application of tools by category
2. Rework administrative pages for consistent look and feel
3. General code cleanup

= 1.5.1 =
1. Fix bug in admin page where there's no publication ID
2. Never float the horizontal article tools; only align them left or right

= 1.5 =
1. Support themeable article tools and copyright notices
2. Improved usability of plugin settings page
3. Simpler registration process
4. Miscellaneous bug fixes

= 1.4.1 =
1. Enable turning on and off share tools from settings
2. Up to date snapshots of the article tools for admin pages

= 1.4 =
1. Use brief signin form to ease registration
2. Tweaks to the commons communications library

= 1.3 =
1. Category filter so article tools appear only on specific categories of posts
2. Render publication ID with article tools javascript to allow interoperability with iCopyright-syndicated content
3. Minor bug fixes and tweaks

= 1.2 = 
1. Rework code to match coding standards
2. Address security issue
3. Minor tweaks to styles and forms

= 1.1.4 =
1. Add feature to turn syndication service on and off
2. Simplify signup process
3. Add advanced settings section for publication ID, Conductor email, and Conductor password
4. Add support for multisite

= 1.1.3 =
1. Added automatic update of publication feed url to iCopyright conductor.

= 1.1.2 =
1. Small...