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WordPress Plugin Synchronize image block with featured image
Adds an option to synchronize a core/image block with the post featured image.

Plugin readme: ./dist/trunk/

Download and install

Synchronize image block with featured image is available in the official WordPress Plugin repository. You can install this plugin the same way you’d install any other plugin.
To install it from zip file, download latest release.


Clone the repository and make it your current working directory.

# Checkout the `generated` and `develop` branches
git checkout generated && git pull
git checkout develop && git pull

# Install npm dependencies
npm install

# Install composer dependencies
composer install --profile -v

# Build into `./test_build`
grunt build

This Plugin is based on generator-wp-dev-env. See generator.version in package.json.
Read the documentation for further development information.
— Installation & Quick Start
Git branching model
Project Structure
Grunt Taskrunner

Dev dependencies

  • node and npm
  • yo and generator-wp-dev-env
  • composer
  • git
  • grunt and grunt-cli
  • rsync
  • convert from ImageMagick. Tested with ImageMagick 6.8.9-9

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