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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress


Tool for migrating content from Drupal to WordPress
Following an import using FG import (which imports nodes and builds wp_termmeta elements to support taxonomies and CCK data) WordPress does not know about taxonomies or CCK data.


You need:

  • Path to Drupal directory
  • Path to store images
  • Drupal mysqldump instance loaded into a database
  • Database credentials for Drupal instance
  • Database access for WordPress instance
  • An assigned wp_XX instance created in Network Admin -> Sites : when created record the ID number

Do the following

  1. Install the migrator in your HOME directory

    • cd
    • mkdir migrator
    • cd migrator
    • git clone
  2. Create the WordPress Site instance and record its ID number
  3. Add yourself as a user to the site
  4. Setup Apache/DNS as required so site is accessible
  5. install the migrator tar xvfz migrator.tar.gz

    • make an image store directory ./images
  6. configure the database:

    • edit DB.class.php and add a section for the staging/live server with the database credentials for the server
  7. in the migrator directory, run the unit test:

phpunit tests/migrator.tests.php > unitest-prerun.txt
run the migrator, configure for the server, turn on verbose
php migrator.php –server=staging –wordpressPath=/var/www/public –drupalPath=/var/www/drupal7/tuauto –imageStore=images –clean –images –init –taxonomy –nodes -c -f -p -n
php migrator.php –server=staging –wordpressPath=/var/www/public –drupalPath=/var/www/drupal8/tuauto –project=tuauto -d

7a. 01/05/2018 run with these parameters on staging:

php migrator.php –wordpressPath=/srv/www/ –project=tuauto –clean –drupalPath=/srv/www/ –server=staging –wordpressURL= -n -u -t -f -c –initialise

  1. run the image importation script, from the WordPress directory

chmod 755

NB: The image importer script associates images to posts in this import. If Nodes are imported again (i.e. to –clean the html) you must rerun the image importer after clearing out the media library

  1. Content only can be replaced with replaceContent.php. NB: this rereads the Drupal source and replaces all posts in WordPress. ANY CHANGES made in WordPress since the migration WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.

php replaceContent.php –project=tuauto –wordpressPath=/home/nicholas/Dev/wordpress/tuauto –clean

DBUG: –init did not seem to work (wordpress has data in it error)
-d works if you edit the drupalPath in migrator.php and edit DB to select the right server

* import the images into the media library (you may have to copy /images to a local machine to drag and drop them into the media library)
* images that occur in a post internally
  1. output shows progress
    • when it finishes, rerun the unit test
    • phpunit tests/migrator.tests.php > unittest-postrun.txt



  • TAG prerelease01
  • v105 field_data into ACF, additional phpunit, better options
  • MASTER & TAG prerelease02
  • v106 ACF import from ACF data, unit tests with taxonomy usage reports
  • v107 addresses images and featured images, replace content script, strip content by removing style tags
  • v108 revisit ACF – check the field descriptions match properly, revisit images – audit if all images are being located, why there are many images NOT imported

Release versions

  • STAGING RELEASE 17 April 2018
  • STAGING RELEASE 01 May 2018

local tests:
php migrator.php -d –server=local
assumes –wordpressPath –drupalPath and other settings
vagrant tests:
php migrator.php -d –server=vm
staging cli command:
php migrator.php –wordpressPath=/srv/www/ –project=tuauto –clean –drupalPath=/srv/www/ –server=staging –wordpressURL= -n -u -t -f -c –initialise
php replaceContent.php –project=tuauto –wordpressPath=/srv/www/ –clean
Tim’s comment regarding images:

  • maybe run a quick scan for all full size images and dump out the image dimensions to see if they’re all something crappily small?
  • if so we can raise it as an issue but they might just have to live with it for migrated content
    might also be worth finding the relevant article on the existing site and confirming that the images aren’t any larger over there – maybe they only upload smaller images to staging for some reason

The live code environment and sites must be established first.
Users have to be imported in a safe way.

  • Server: LIVE STAGING (UAT server) TEST1 (staging)
  • Export database from LIVE to STAGING
  • Export Users from Drupal into an SQL file
  • Import Users from the SQL file on STAGING to get the USER IDS
  • Extract USER ID + EMAIL address
  • update the extract users OR REFERENCES TO THEM with the LIVE USER IDs