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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress

Disciple.Tools Docker Setup

Docker is a container system that can be used to set up all of the infrastructure needed to run a web site. The below will setup containers locally to run:

  • MySQL 5.7 database
  • Apache + PHP 7.2 web server

All of this will be running on a Linux virtual machine in order to duplicate as close as possible the production hosting environment.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Docker on your machine:

  2. To set up a self-signed SSL certificate, follow the instructions here

    1. Site will be available on (if you add the needed hosts file mapping) or https://localhost:44300
  3. Run docker-compose up -d from the project root directory (or npm run docker-start).
    The first time this is run, it will need to download all of the machine images, so it may take a little while.
    You should be able to access the site via (if you add the needed hosts file mapping) or https://localhost:44300
  4. Step through WordPress installation process
  5. Install Theme:

    1. Download latest release:
  6. Install plugins


      1. Follow directions on plugin page to add auth header config to .htaccess
      2. Follow directions on plugin page to add 2 values to wp-config.php
  7. Enable debugging

    1. Edit wp-config.php to add the following values:
      define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); // Enable WP_DEBUG mode
      define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true ); // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file     

Multi-site Setup


  1. Add the following to wp-config.php
    /* Multisite */
    define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
  2. Go to Tools -> Network Setup and follow on-screen directions, adding the necessary code to .htaccess and wp-config.php
  3. After changes, login again and return to wp-admin.
  4. A new My Sites item appears in the top menu. Go to My Sites -> Network Admin -> Dashboard
    // 1. Copy disciple-tools-multisite.php into wp-content/plugins/disciple-tools-multisite
  5. Add all of the sites as you desire.
    1. For each site you add, add the needed entry to your local hosts file (e.g.