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File transformation


File transformation


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 75,000 total images or videos and 7,500 monthly transformations, 2GB storage, 5GB bandwidth/month
  • Pros: free tiers includes images and videos manipulations (resizing, effects, overlays, optimization), backup and revisions, supports PDF, sprites, animated GIFs, etc. Provide SDK in multiple languages
  • Limitations: free tier does not offer custom domain


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 250 file uploads/month, 500 file transformations/month, 3GB bandwidth/month
  • Pros: image and video transformations, document file conversions, audio/video transcoding, free CDN, HTML widget, iOS SDK, tons of cloud storage integrations
  • Limitations: file upload size limited to 50 MB, free tier does not offer custom CNAME, S3 as file source is premium feature