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GDPR Data Request Form WordPress Plugin 🔐

About 🔎

The purpose of this repository is to develop a WordPress Plugin to handle Privacy Data Request front-end Forms.
Note that this is also related to a WordPress Core Feature Request. It has it’s own repository on GitHub.

Context ⏳

See WordPress Core Privacy Team roadmap:

Front End User Initiated Requests (Feature Plugin)
In 4.9.6, the ability for an administrator to initiate a data export or data erasure for a user by email address was added. While this provided sites with the tools to be compliant with new laws and regulations, site owners are still left to find a way to accommodate those requests. Adding a way for users to initiate this request on their own would prove a more “out of the box” experience and decrease the burden on site administrators to initiate these requests themselves.
Related tickets: #44013

Features 🛠

  • ✅ PHP Function to display the Privacy Data Request Form: wp_get_privacy_data_request_form()
  • ✅ Shortcode
  • ✅ Widget
  • ✅ Filters to handle strings customization
  • ✅ Possibility to choose either to show remove request, export request, or both in PHP Function
  • ✅ Possibility to choose either to show remove request, export request, or both in Widget
  • ✅ Filter Documentation
  • ✅ CSS classes documentation
  • ✅ Gutenberg Block
  • ✅ Possibility to choose either to show remove request, export request, or both in Gutenberg Block

Contributors 👥

  • audrasjb
  • whodunitagency
  • xkon
  • WordPress Core Privacy Team

Documentation 📚

Function: wp_get_privacy_data_request_form()

$args (array) An array of default Privacy Data Request Form arguments. Default: None.
Default parameters: see Filter/Parameters section below.

Filter: privacy_data_request_form_defaults


privacy_data_request_form_defaults filters the default form output arguments. It is part of the function gdrf_data_request_form( $args ).


$args (array) (required) An array of default Privacy Data Request Form arguments. Default: None.
The defaults set in the gdrf_data_request_form( $args ) function are as follows:
$defaults = array(
‘form_id’ => ‘gdrf-form’,
‘label_select_request’ => esc_html_( ‘Select your request:’, ‘gdpr-data-request-form’ ),
‘label_select_export’ => esc_html_
( ‘Export Personal Data’, ‘gdpr-data-request-form’ ),
‘label_select_remove’ => esc_html_( ‘Remove Personal Data’, ‘gdpr-data-request-form’ ),
‘label_input_email’ => esc_html_
( ‘Your email address (required)’, ‘gdpr-data-request-form’ ),
‘label_input_captcha’ => esc_html__( ‘Human verification (required):’, ‘gdpr-data-request-form’ ),
‘value_submit’ => esc_html__( ‘Send Request’, ‘gdpr-data-request-form’ ),
‘request_type’ => ‘both’,


add_filter( 'privacy_data_request_form_defaults', 'my_privacy_form' );
function my_privacy_form() {
	$args = array(
		'form_id'                => 'my_privacy_form_id'
		'label_select_request'   => 'Please select a request',
		'label_select_export'    => 'Export',
		'label_select_remove'    => 'Delete', 
		'label_input_captcha'    => 'Please prove you’re a human:',
		'value_submit'           => 'Send your request',
		'request_type'           => 'export',
	return $args;

Screenshots 🖼

Gutenberg Block

Block available in Widget category:

Block rendering in Post/Page back-end:

Admin Widget in the Widgets Screen

Public Widget Rendering in Twenty Nineteen (default styles)