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Tools Open Source Sync WordPress

Isomorphic React Redux and WordPress API

What’s Inside

  • Isomorphic App / Server-Side Rendering
  • ReactJS
  • Redux
  • Babel
  • Webpack 2
  • Mocha
  • Enzyme
  • ESLint
  • Koa Web Framework for NodeJS
  • PostCSS
  • WordPress – for API

    • Wordmove to synchronize WP databases
  • Vagrant to run local server with WordPresss
  • Using to send repo pushes to AWS(react) and inMotion(WP API)

First Steps:

  • Clone this project and create a new repo online to work with.
    • git clone
  • If you aren’t familiar with Vagrant, you should first read more about getting started here. We will only be using it for serving the WordPress REST API. So you may skip this if you aren’t working with the WP REST API or working with it differently.
  • Create the two remote servers.
    • NodeJS. Suggested setup : how to setup a NodeJS environment on Amazon AWS
    • WordPress REST API setup.
    • BE SURE TO SAVE ALL LOGIN INFO IN A EASLIY AND SAFELY ACCESSIBLE SPREADSHEET, becuase there is A LOT of logins you need to remember and it sucks spending 30 minutes looking around different files finding the login info you need. An example of logins/infos to record is below as a template for you:
    username: ''
    password: ''
    vault_password: ''

    WP cPanel / FTP:
        hostname: ''
        username: ''
        password: ''

    WP Admin Login:
    wp_admin_url: ''
    username:     ''
    password:     ''

    WP Remote Database:
        database: ''
        user:     ''
        password: ''

    username/email: ''
    password:       ''
    EC2 Management:

Download the private keys from the Bitnami Dashboard for your Virtual Machine first then keep the full SSH command handy so you can quickly login from any terminal.
    ssh -i A:usernameproject_nameAWSkeysbitnami-aws-837492734623.pem bitnami@
REACT SERVER ADDRESS(found in bitnami dashboard):

Setting Up the WordPress API

  • Navigate to the folder: WordPress VM and and copy or rename the config file site.yml.example to just site.yml:
    • update the Hostname and IP Address, Title, Description, etc.
    • git will not track site.yml file for security reasons.
  • start your server: vagrant up
  • SSH into your Vagrant VM: vagrant ssh
  • install Wordmove : gem install wordmove
  • Usually, you’d create a Movefile by going to the wordpress directory and running wordmove init. But I have updated the the paths in an example Wordmove config file so that only credentials need to be entered.
    • So go to the wordpress folder and copy or rename the file Wordmove.example to just Wordmove and update the credentials; the paths can be left alone.(git will not track Wordmove file for security reasons.)
  • When you are ready to sync the database to the remote server, first make sure you’re SSH’d into Vagrant and then run wordmove push -d.
  • You can also push just theme files: wordmove push --themes, plugins: wordmove push --plugins or the entire wordpress folder: wordmove push --wordpress.
  • For all commands: wordmove help
    • although you can use wordmove to push files to the server, it’s highly suggested to use version control and DeplyHQ to track featured and deployments.

Setting Up the React App/Site

  • view the README in the react folder for more in-depth info.
  • If not done already, setup a NodeJS server. Directions are above under First Steps
  • the react app will simply be run on localhost
  • navigate to the react folder and run npm run dev to start development.
  • commit changes when ready.
  • push to your repo.
    • DeployHQ will send files to AWS server.
  • to update the remote server you must BUILD the production set on the server via npm run build and then restart pm2. If pm2 is not installed see Continuously Run Project on Server on the wiki how to setup a NodeJS environment on Amazon AWS
    • Login to AWS via the SSH command provided by bitnami. (See “SSH-ing INTO SERVER” under First Steps above)
    • Then, simply run the command pm2 restart server. server refers the the server file at ./bin/server

Using DeployHQ to Deploy Projects

  • Firstly, DeployHQ is only FREE for ONE project.
    • Options: you could create two separate FREE accounts, or pay $10/mo for upto 10 projects, OR not use DeployHQ at all, but it has some pretty nice features that can make complicated projects easier to manage and deploy.
  • First, need to add the GitHub Repo as a new Project.
    • subdirectory to deplofy from: react
    • copy the public key provided and place in the GitHub Repo’s Settings > Deploy Keys > Add Deploy Key
  • Second, in your Deploy Project click Settings > Servers & Groups > + (to add new server) to deploy TO.
    • if using an AWS server(via Bitnami) let’s setup a new SSH/SFTP server.
    • enter in the username: bitnami and the hostname IP Address.
    • check use SSH key rather than password for authentication
    • enter the path to deploy to on the server. Example: /home/bitnami/website (website is a directory created manually via SSH of SFTP)
    • enter an environment — it’s so that it can be used to create SSH commands.
    • enter the subdirectory to deploy FROM, ie: react in this example
    • Save it! Do the same for the WP API directory.
    • For the WP API: the Deplyment Path should be set to public_html/ and the Subdirectory to deploy from should be set to WordPress VM/www/wordpress/. Don’t forget to add the GitHub webhook for this server too!
  • Third, optionally setup a webhook to automatically deploy to the server.
    • click the Server you just setup. On the right-hand side their is “Automatic Deployment” URL. Copy it and go to your project on github and go to Settings > Webhooks > Add Webhook and just paste that “Automatic Deployment” URL in. Make sure content-type is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded