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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== Ivrita ===
Contributors: kinging, avraham
Tags: hebrew, עברית, עבריתה
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.6
Stable tag: trunk
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: AGPL
License URI:

The WordPress plugin for Ivrita, an open-source set of typographic tools for gender equality in Hebrew.

== Description ==

This is the official plugin of the [Ivrita Project](,
an open-source set of typographic tools for gender equality in Hebrew.

This plugin enables a floating switch on your website which will allow users to select a gender,
to be used across the website as the preferred way to address them.
Ivrita will automatically turn all your texts in Hebrew which contain gender-nonspecific slashes to the appropriate male/female variation,
by cleverly understanding the word and the different options it contains.

More information can be found on the [official website of the Ivrita Project](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Which websites should install this plugin? =

Only websites with content in Hebrew, which address both men and women
and would like to personalize their micro-copy and texts to the appropriate user gender.