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Keyboard access – Accessibility Guidelines

Accessibility 18F GSA
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Keyboard access to a website is key to the usability of your site. All interactions and information that can be accessed with a mouse must be accessible with just a keyboard. This doesn’t mean everyone who can’t use a mouse will use a keyboard, but alternative AT inputs use keyboard-like inputs to navigate the web.


Testing #

  1. Identify all interactions on the page.
  2. Using the tab, enter, and space bar, navigate the page and ensure each input and interaction can be triggered.
    • Ensure rollover and hover interactions (help text, etc) can be triggered as well.
    • If the user cannot interact with something, or get the information another way, this is a failure.
  3. Make sure the tab order of the page is logical and follows the visual order of elements on the page.
    • If the tab order is confusing, this is a failure.
  4. Check that the focus is always visible when moving through the page with the tab key.
    • If you lose focus, on a hidden link or other object when simply tabbing through the page, this is a failure.
  5. Make sure you can tab through the page and get back to the address bar.
    • If you ever need your mouse to get back to an element, this is a failure.
  6. Keyboard users must be able to easily use and dismiss modal dialog boxes, lightboxes, or other pop-ups.
    • Modal dialog boxes need to trap the keyboard. When a modal dialog box is triggered, the keyboard focus needs to immediately move to the first actionable element in the modal.
    • The keyboard use is confined to the modal dialog box until it is dismissed. When a user moves the keyboard focus past the last element in the modal dialog box, it needs to loop to the beginning of the dialog box.
    • The keyboard user needs to be able to access all controls in the dialog box, especially the controls to dismiss the dialog.
    • If the keyboard user cannot do all of these things, this is a failure.
    • Ideally, the keyboard user should also be able to dismiss the modal dialog box with the Escape key.
  7. If an interaction reveals hidden content.
    • Ensure the focus is moved to the revealed content.
    • If this does not happen, check for a programmatic description of the change.
  8. Check for title attributes providing information not on the screen.
    • Title attributes which can only be exposed by hovering the mouse over the element are a failure of keyboard access.
  9. Check that the focus never goes to elements that won’t be available to somebody using a mouse.