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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== LW Website Tools ===
Contributors: Loganw
Donate link: 
Tags: LW, Website, Tools, Website Tools, css, border, radius, generator, transform, box, shadow, gradient, text-shadow
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.5.1
Stable tag: 2.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Provides the user with helpful css tools!

== Description ==

Provides the user with helpful css tools. Put in your data, copy the css, and  your ready to go!

-Box Shadow Generator<br>
-Css Transform Generator<br>
-Border Radius Generator<br>
-Text-Shadow Generator<br>
-Gradient Generator!<br>
-Tools Widget! :D<br>
*New Shortcodes! that display a tool of your choice! :D*<br>
 [lraduis_tool]  Displays the radius tool as a small widget! <br>
[lbox_shadow]   Displays the box-shadow tool as a small widget! <br>
**[lcss_transform]   Displays the css-transform tool as a small widget! <br>
**[ltext_shadow]   Displays the text-shadow tool as a small widget! :D<br>
**[lcss_gradient]   Displays the gradient tool as a small widget! :D<br>

Ive also added a widget so you can have all of the tools on any of your pages and/or posts! :D

This is my first plugin! Thank you! :) 

== Installation ==

1. Download LW Website Tools from
2. Upload "LW-Website-Tools" to the  "/wp-content/plugins/" directory
3. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress

== Frequently asked questions ==

= None =

== Screenshots ==

1. /assets/screenshot-1.png
2. /assets/screenshot-2.png
3. /assets/screenshot-3.png
4. /assets/screenshot-4.png
5. /assets/screenshot-5.png
The Widget! :D

== Changelog ==

= 2.0 =

* HUGE Update!

** Complete redesign of the tools page!
** (Tools Page)<br>
	-Fixed the text shadow generator to correctly output the css for the user to copy! :)<br>

**(Tools page)<br>
	-fixed alignment issue when form was submitted! :) <br>
	-fixed text area for some tools not working!<br>

= 1.2.3 =

** (Major Fix)
	-Fixed bugs that was causing the widget and short codes to not work! ;D

= 1.2.2 =

** (Widgets)
	-Added 2 new widgets!<br>
Woot! :)

= 1.2.1 =
Major Update!<br>

** (Tools Page)<br>
	-Added contact image, when hovered shows a mini contact form for quick questions and/or help! :D<br><br>

** (Help Page)<br>
	-Major update to the look and feel of the help page! Check it out! ;)<br>
	-Shortcodes help page! :D<br><br>
** (Shortcodes!)
	-New short codes to display tools on your pages and/or posts! :D<br>
	-Shortcodes ('[lradius_tool]') Displays the radius tool as a small widget!<br
	-Shortcodes ('[lbox_shadow]') Displays the box-shadow tool as a small widget! :D<br>

= 1.2 =

** (Text Shadow Generator)<br>
	-Added color picker in the shadow-color field<br>
** (Tools Page)<br>
	-New tool! Css Gradient Generator!<br>
*(Tools Page)
	-For all tools you don't have to submit every time! :D It automatically shows your changes in real time! :D<br>
	-Added a custom widget for the user to be able to have all of the tools on a page and/or post! :D

= 1.1 =

** (Tools)<br>
	-Added Text Shadow Generator! :)<br>
* (Admin Bar)<br>
	-Changed admin bar text from "Website Tools" To LW Website Tools<br>
* (Tools Page)<br>
	-Major improvement with colors and fonts.<br>
	-Added scrollbars instead of input fields!<br>
* (Help Page)<br>
	-Major improvement with colors and fonts.<br>
* (Css Transform)<br>
	-Added help dialog to the scale field, incase the user scales the div too far out<br>
* (Border-Radius Generator)<br>
	-Fixed Alignment<br>

== Upgrade notice ==

** Shortcodes! :D

== Notes ==