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  • Free Tier: Unlimited apps and deployments for 5 environments and 2 users
  • Pros: App deployment and infrastructure management in one place, bring your own cloud
  • Limitations: Currently support only AWS
  • Exceeding the free tier: Can continue using; our team will reach out


Home page

  • Free tier: Free JSON currency conversion rate dataset
  • Pros: No request limits, multiple data sources
  • Limitations: Only updated every 24 hours

FingerprintJS Pro

Pricing page

  • Free tier: up to 1000 unique visitors per month
  • Pros: identifies browser and hybrid mobile application users even when they purge data
  • Limitations: the rate limit is reduced to 3 identifications per second
  • Exceeding the free tier: the SDK returns an error


Home page

  • Free tier: 2,500 lookups per day
  • Pros: Forward and reverse geocoding, supports data appends such as Census data, congressional districts and timezones
  • Limitations: Only covers US and Canada

Let’s Encrypt

Home page

  • Free tier: provide SSL certificates for free
  • Pros: free, support for wildcard certificates
  • Limitations: certificates are valid for 90 days so automation is strongly recommended


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1 inbox, 50 messages per inbox, 2 emails/sec per inbox
  • Pros: Easy to setup
  • Limitations: No team members, no forward rules, no email address

Pricing page

  • Free tier: up to 240 prerenders, 400 monitoring checks, 800 web-analytics requests, 400 web-CRON requests
  • Pros: simple and easy to use, “one click” setup for Monitoring and Domains Protection, Prerendering supports ES6 (ECMAScript 2015)
  • Limitations: No limits
  • Exceeding the free tier: need to pay, Domain Names Protections continues to work as it’s free for all accounts on all plans


Home page

  • Free tier: 1 workspace, unlimited tasks, lists, and collaborators
  • Pros: Simple and real-time task management
  • Limitations: No limits
  • Exceeding the free tier: need to pay, will included unlimited workspaces, file uploads, and more advanced features


Pricing page

  • Free tier: 1 million API requests per month & 1,000 authz rules
  • Pros: Authorization as a service, “one click” implementation of role based access control and other schemes
  • Limitations: 7-day retention for access logs & events on the free tier
  • Exceeding the free tier: Need to pay, API will continue to work, team will contact user