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Tools Open Source PHP WordPress
=== OrderStorm WordPress Toolbox ===
Contributors:  carlosman, dansallis
Donate link:
Tags: e-commerce, ecommerce, shopping cart, ecommerce shopping cart, cart, store
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.4.1
Stable tag: 0.2-2012.07.11
License: GPL2 or later

A plugin containing code snipets to re-implement WordPress default widgets (recent posts, categories, archives) as shortcode.

== Description ==
The plugin contains the following convenient shortcodes:
With this shortcode, you can put these elements anywhere on posts and pages so you are not limited to the sidebars.

== Installation ==
From the dashboard, under Plugins, select Add New. Search for OrderStorm. Click on Install Now.


1. Download the plugin .zip file.
2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on the 'Plugins' tab and then 'Add New.'
3. Click on 'Upload' near the top of the page.</br>
4. Click the 'Choose File' button and find the OrderStorm WordPress Toolbox plugin .zip file. Click 'Choose' followed by the 'Install Now' button.  WordPress will now upload and install your plugin.
5. Once the installation of your plugin has finished click the 'Activate Plugin' link.

== Setup ==
The code snippets will be available after plugin activation.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I get support? =
Send your questions and comments to  Premium package users can call for phone support - see the Pricing page for information on which subscription levels come with phone support.

== Screenshots ==
Go to to see a full set of screenshots of the shopping cart features and the complete User Manual.

== Changelog ==
= 0.2 [2012.07.11] =
* Fixed the [orderstorm_archives], [orderstorm_categories] and [orderstorm_recent_posts] shortcodes, so they can be effectively used anywhere a normal content generation shortcode would be called from
* Changed all JavaScript related to the [orderstorm_categories] shortcode to use jQuery and moved it to its own file (js/ostrm_categories_dropdown.js), in order to be able to properly enqueue the script, according to WordPress' guidelines
= 0.1 [2011.12.9] =
* Changed plugin description
= 0.1 [2011.11.26] =
* Initial Release

== Upgrade Notice ==
OrderStorm may send out future upgrades.