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Software Open Source Web Development

Quokka is a Content Management Framework written in Python. A lightweight framework to build CMS (Content Management System) as websites, portals, blogs, applications and anything related to publishing content to the web. Quokka is not limited to CMS area, it is also possible to create Quokka extensions to provide any kind of web application based on Python and Flask. Quokka can also (optionally) generate a static website from the contents generated in its admin interface. Web-based content management admin interface. Multiple content formats (markdown, rst, html, plaintext) Compatibility with any of the Pelican Themes. Flat file NoSQL database TinyDB or optionally MongoDB for scale deployments. Host the Quokka on server or generate a static website. Extensible via modules/plugins. Powered by Python, Flask, Flask-Admin, TinyMongo and Pelican Themes.


Features #

  • Web based content management admin interface
  • Multiple content formats (markdown, rst, html, plaintext)
  • Compatibility with any of the Pelican Themes
  • Host the Quokka on server or generate a static website
  • Extensible via modules/plugins
  • Powered by Python, Flask, Flask-Admin, TinyMongo and Pelican Themes
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